I have seen that stag before, but only now was I able to meet him properly. He is an interesting one. His appearance is quite unusual, but there is more. I could sense darkness in him, more than I have ever sensed in any one being before. But there was something underneath it. I could also sense that he, too, had some kind of connection with the spirits. Especially to one in particular. I think he must have sensed something of me, as well, as he seemed to know of my own connection.
He pointed out a particular grave to me. It was one that I have liked to lay on sometimes, as its size and shape are perfect for such. Now I know where the poppies I have sometimes seen there come from.
He explained to me the grave is that of his lost love. Normally I would scoff at such a thing. Love... What's the point? But his respect for the buried was not something I could scoff at.
A short time later, the very spirit of that same grave appeared before me. I have to admit I was surprised. Although I am able to sense and communicate with the spirits, I have never been able to actually see them. I did not think they could be seen. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what to do. I did not want to simply linger around her or follow her around.
In any case, it was quite an interesting experience.
So, Melinoe got to meet Darkweaver and Laghodessa.

She doesn't mention their names here, but I'm sure she knows them by now.
(sorry for the bump, had to fix a typo x.x)
*glomps epic writing* Lol
Lol this needed a comment, even if I don't really have anything greatly inspiring to say.
I did think it'd be nice for Melinoe to finaly get to see one of the spirits anyway. 83 And Laghodessa only appears to those who respect the deceased.
Did you know you are a very
It's nothing special at all
Yes, Darkweaver is an awesome character. X3
deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín