
Blackhoof's picture
I haven't been quite flamboyant these
past weeks have I? Theres no way to describe it without
it sounding like some meager rambeling I suppose. At
least that how I feel when I talk I suppose...

These past days I've seen a few of my old freinds a great deal.

Mainly Row, Darcy, and Wyvern. To be truthful I never knew
much about anything at first till a sudden realization came over me
about the situation with my three freinds.

I do my best to keep Wyvern and the rest of my freinds
happy if either are ever in a time of need, but I'm only
one deer. I can't make everyone in the forest happy,
even though I would like for it to be that way.

Besides I've hardly taken care of my self,
so I wouldn't even say I am utterly good at
healing any one elses wounds.


It's a shame that the gods will make
good times only to snatch them away
and make us try to remember as if where
toys. Even when others say other good
times will be in the making even if you don't
know it ... sometimes it's not that simple ...

Not that good times aren't here and now ... but still ...

... guh ... hear I go again ... mean less rambeling about
some other situation yet to even be delt with.

... I constantly remain to see why I chose to tape my mouth close ...
winterleaf's picture

I hope all goes well.

I hope all goes well. maybee you need a break?"
Blackhoof's picture

Possibly, although I'm not

Possibly, although I'm not sure if it would help.
Breaks kinda get me alittle more confused.

But I'm sure all will be well. It all ways seems to in some
way or another : )

Feed Me!

Shiori's picture

;_; I'm sorry Blackhoof's

;_; I'm sorry Blackhoof's still feeling down. I don't fully know the reason why but...I don't think he needs to worry too much about those three. Perhaps time will help the tension to pass, perhaps not. I suppose I can't speak for the both of them but I'm not sure anything that could be said will help. He should focus on himself, his happiness...

Fenqua's picture

I don't really know what to

I don't really know what to say, except the fact that everything will be all right. It sounds utterly cliche and annoying, but I haven't got any advice x_x

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul