[To be moved/deleted] Are there any tutorials you want to see?

Aivilo's picture
I know a handful of frequently cited tutorials have been deleted over the years (several in the last couple of months), so I figured I'd poll the audience and see if anyone wanted anything in particular put back up (or one made for something that hasn't been done before).
So. Anything (TEF-related, of course) you want to see a tutorial for?

I might also make this post a master list of the tutorials I've put together, since I tend to lose track of them and always have to go digging >.<

Currently Posted Tutorials:
(From Me)
Installing multiple versions of TEF (WIP)
Save your set
Save your mini-deer's pelt spell
Fix a pictogram that links to a blog post when clicked on the map
Cast DotD on a mini-deer
Find a pictogram without the map

(From Others - you can find these in the TEFc Directory, but I'm mentioning them here so there aren't requests for things that are already done)
Log in
Resize shape spells
Create node links
Make a cut (CSS/blog)
Remove the loveglow
Get masks when there are no mushroom trees
Make a signature
Post a picture
Make an icon