
Jacklo's picture
Temp dump of Blaires rut achives DO NOT TRACK


Getting back to the normal routine now, hormones dying down and just trying to seek out any positive relations he might have made and cling to them for friendships, felt like he'd lost his rose tinted glasses and that most of the feral facers he's been encountering came with a sort of prejudice against him, because of his own face or perhaps because of his tail and paws, which he thought was honestly rather ridiculous as their exclusion and rudeness was the only thing that would put them in danger as far as he was concerned.

Sulked around about it, finding that pretty calico doe and inviting himself into sitting with her as she'd shown no shun to him previously.


I missed an update here cus I'm STOOPID.
Pho spit made his booboos better, thank U phobos.



Today is a good day for sulking about a very nasty neck wound and your back end being sore. Took up residence in the birch for now to try and recuperate a little.

Found there by Phobos, gave him a little closed-mouth hissing which is the epitome of being all bark and no bite, didn't really want any attention from anything with a peen right now, but quickly accepted him when realised was only here to lick his wound which he'd been unable to do himself due to placement.

Thankful for the attention, stayed with him until Swan came and rounded them both up, followed happily as Swan was literally the only other male Blaire was tolerant of right now due to his kindness not being so easily forgotten. BUT THEN HE LEAD HIM RIGHT OVER TO OLTHA'S GROUP SO GOOD FEELINGS GONE.

Got her glares so gave her some back, called her princess cus she LOVES IT CLEARLY, boasted about how he'd fixed things for her but she was genuinely as ungreatful as he knew she would be and got all huffy about it still. Grumpy ear flicked and moved away from her until she left of her own accord.

Mostly milling about watching swan do his stuff, hissed at Vinay but more of a 'stay out of my bubble' thing than an I H8 U thing as aforementioned, wants no male attention right now at least until tomorrow or something. Loved on Pho some, mostly quietly introduced himself to some does and took up a spot next to a cute black one for company.


WANDERS because everyone seems to be having a low/quiet time, Didn't feel like interrupting when he came across some of the competitors snuggling their judges, sort of liked giving the Sambar doe a heart attack when he wandered through their group, would have made a deal of hissing and snapping at her for being so racist HMPH if not for the fact the red was just on the other side of the hill and had already been chased away once by the loony.

Eventually doubled back and sniffed out an Ol. 100% Did not beeline to her to nose at her face and even ignore Nyx at first in pursuit of the Lady's attentions, but then she ignored so he slathered himself on Nyx for the grooms and the rubbings and the loves. But then Ol got in her huff mobile and drove off so Nyx and B got in after her (or so he thought).

But then Nyx nyoomed off and Jacklo was eating. Upon trying to catch up found Ol all sulky by a tree, chuckled and went over with the intent to annoy her into squabbling with him but was only met by jealous anger. Apparently she cared that Blaire had interfered with whatever it was Nyx and she had, something that perturbed the snake more than he'd care to admit.

Snapped that it was only silly fun and she was stupid to fall in love during a rut, started to storm off before turning and telling her that they didn't love her, only her body and that she would hurt herself with such thinking. But honestly who was he to know if they did have some blossoms of the loveliness between them?? Stormed off and sat by a big cat daddy (Grímr) to sulk about it. I don't care you care B-BAKA!!

Wandered back over because smell Vladik and find with Ol (not big surprise) got growled at but then just sort of batted eyes at the big male like nOooo me next pls not fiiiight. But then Oltha got her knickers in a twist about it AGAIn so decided to go get Nyx. That'd help. Went and told Nyx Ol was being a FANNY and that she should go and get her back.

Nyx called him a liar (big surprise) and told him to go away, snapped that maybe she didn't deserve Oltha then and stormed off back the way he came to wait his turn. Watched things turn sour and had to deal with moodystag as he was lead away for the ugly bumping, which in retrospect to the other times before was a lot rougher. Realised he'd probably taken the stags fury /for/ Olth since she definitely wouldn't be treated as such, always sunshine and kisses for her. Just sort of nodded at Vla when he went off back to her, and Blaire limped off to find a Phobos to lay on.

Lurked into Lucc's herd and mingled a little, mostly by sitting on Rosalie because shes a small cutie pie who needs warming. Ignored Vinay pointedly because he wasn't giving the attentions Blaire wanted. But then decided he did want his attention and went to try and encourage the bangarangs but he refused.

Moodily went to Lucc himself and washed the face, gave all the provocative eyebrow waggles, WOULD HAVE BEEN FINE WITH DOING THE WIGGLY WOO RIGHT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE cus hes a* classy. Eventually went off to a private spot. Came back and sat down and eyezoomed Oltha flirting the hindistag. PLEASED SMIRKING liked to watch. Watched them go off somewhere private except not private cus B was staring.

Waited until they were done and shot over for the sloppiest seconds, since Ol had done the hard work knew Vinay wouldn't have time to be a racist if he inched into the spot she'd vacated.

Then went back to Lucc's herd and sat. Idly washed Ol because... because. Eventually when those two left and there was no Lucc to suck up to, wandered off to look for Swan cus he was the next on his list lmao.

Found Draven on the way, sniffed but then went on to Swan, was herded with an Arry and then lead off to another herd to investigate, picked up a Rosalie little sweet thing, then lucc came and he and swan scrapped while Blaire made the eyes at Oltha GDI WILL YOU TWO STOP.

Teetered between them all a lot, went with Swan into the birch and then went back to fetch Arry when she seemed to be teetering between who she wanted to go with, came back for a cuddle puddle but mostly keeps making the eyes at Swan.

Was lead around and stumbled onto Erytheia, MUCH EXCITED MANY KISSU, carried on with the group to a new sunspot. Lead Swan off for the UGLY BUMPING, then went back to lying in the sun patch with a wiggly croc tail of pleased'd.

Caught the sound of Oltha growling and stared over his shoulder to listen to her, watched her getting all up in the biz of a large blue demon looking thing, and so the minute she moved away Blaire nyoomed over in interest. Dirty flirty, got read a smut story by the male which evolved into frisky biscuits.

Then nyoomed back to lie on Ery he is SO EXHAUSTED RIGHT NOW. After a little nap on her back, started to pester her until she stood so they could have all the itchy-beard make outs and the wiggly woo time. JFC Blaire that is 5 times in one day.