Saturday was confusing, and ran up with a big amount of emotions. One stag kept being friendly, which is positive in a way. His pelt was dark, adorned with the bright orange speckles of the monarch butterfly, and on his face he wore the skull of another. A few long feathers pasted along with the skull, and he was quite a handsome fellow. But something was off. His friendlyness seemed to have objections I did not want to be a part of, so to speak. So there were times I fought with him, and times I tried to be more friendly. But I couldn't figure him out. And I'm not sure if I wanted to, either.
Oh! I met the Twins of Dance that day. That was a pretty new experience! They're really great I must say, I was a bit eh, overwhelmed. They were a delight to watch, and I wondered if there would be prettier does out there as they are. I wasn't the only one watching though. There was also a pure white doe I had seen before with Wudiin. She was dancing along from a big distance, keeping in hide behind a tree. I asked her to come over, but she bolted. Guess one can't be friends with everyone, but I'm still out to try!
The twins invited me to come dance with them too. A flushing red colour felt the need to grace my face, as I was sure I would make a fool of myself compaired to them. So I thanked them, but mostly stayed on a bit of a distance, copying there moves. Practice might work.
As even later that day, I met Clavier. She was a bit shy to approach, and I guess my energy must have made her feel akward a bit. Two sweet fawns also joined us, and approached her as first. I smiled from a distance, fawns can win anyone's heart!
When we finally came a bit closer to eachother, she soon had to leave. I was a bit sad, but sure I'd see her again some day. I played a bit on with one of the fawns that had stayed, and then had to say my own goodbye.
I woke up in a beam of warmth, the sun waking me up, which is always a good start of a day. Soon, one of the twins came up to me, wearing almost the same as I did! I was amused, really. So we both sneezed our antlers untill we wore the same, and we fooled around for a bit, confusing a poor fawn. She really brought a smile to my face. As she made her departure, I bowed with a thank you, and went back to my own sunny spot. I fell asleep there, untill I awoke to the noise of a group of deer nearby.
Curiously, I trotted towards them to see what the fuss was about. Even though I'm always one up for a laugh, the groups size got a bit intimidating. Ravenflight was there too, and she encouraged me to approach anyway. She seemed to be in quite a good mood, making me smile again. We sat together, chatting a bit, looking at the group.
But sometimes, my mood can suddenly switch. I said my goodbye and ran off, towards the birch forest. I didn't know what overcame me, but I really felt sad at that moment. It's something I got from my mom, as I'm told, since she can go from happy to really agressive and angry. Apparantly, I go from happy to sad. It can come in waves, and I don't understand it myself either, but I needed some alone time. Ravenflight and Sambreel decided to follow me anyway, and together we sat within the greens for a while.
I'm not sure what happend, but in the end we sat at the pond in a spot basked with sunlight. All three of us, me, Sambreel and Ravenflight, sat there for a while, watching the deer across the pond. I wasn't sure what to think about that, so I'll keep my mouth shut. Cirrus joined with us for a bit, too, but she seemed not to feel totally allright.
After a while, we had another arrival, and I could feel Raven make a sudden jump. There was Rajan! We were soon all involved in the forest antics, jumping around, dancing, flying through the air. More deer joined in, but I didn't get uncomfortable with the group this time. Cirrus wore a different outfit, since she fell in the pond, but I must say it did look really nice on her! We also met up with a golden stag, with big white antlers. He didn't really join in with our antics, but I saw him laugh on occassion. I figured he enjoyed watching, but still couldn't help but jump around him.
Ravenflight decided it was time for a different environment, and the group moved to the playground. Cirrus still felt a bit sick though, so she went back to the ruins to get some rest. I'm a bit worried about her, I hope she turns out allright. I soon found myself in envy of the other's tricks. They could go IN the rock!? Not just a part of them, noo, they just flew through it! I was a bit shocked, but we soon engaged into something I could join with too. Partly-rock-dancing. I asked the golden stag to join us too, but he seemed fine watching.
While showing off our finest dances and tricks, I noticed a familair scent wave by. He always went around with a smell of cinnamon, but I could always recognise him. Wudiin was watching us from a distance, and I could see why. We were with quite a group! I was afraid he might bolt again, as I was used him to do. But since he pretty much knew us all, he stuck around.
I had missed him. It's not like I never see him or anything of that, I'm actually pretty lucky. Seele has told me he hasn't seen his love in such a long time, and that made me sad. But still I had missed Wudiin. He seemed a bit.. Hesistant, so to call it, when we went up to him. I ofcourse, went first, tilting my head. Something felt off, but soon I saw a smile on his face, and his lips on my cheek.
"You don't how glad I am to see you..." I heard him whisper, before greeting the others that had come around. Had he missed me too? It seemed so, but now I was worried something was wrong. I kept my eyes on him as we danced in the group. It felt like a celebration, celebrating our friendship! Ravenflight, Sambreel, Rajan, Wudiin and me! Sometimes, a sweet fawn joined in, curious as they can be.
Before we went over to jump around at the rocks, Wudiin spontainously ran for a bit, and returned again. I asked him if he was allright, and he answered with a laugh. We all joined to play at the rocks, and when I Wudiin had free'd himself from my eyes, I refound him within one of the rocks. I joined him, when Rajan and Ravenflight came over to us. It must have been a strange sight! But they and Sambreel, joined us too. That was fun!
And then Ravenflight had to depart. She had kept me company all day, even keeping up with my strange moodswings. I felt sad, but was relieved with the promis I'd see her again. I also saw someone else being really sad about her leave, though. Rajan decided that it was time for some rest, and sat down on one of the rocks. I wasn't sure what to make of his expression, but I had to smile a bit myself. I was glad my friends all liked eachother too. It would be hard if my friends disliked eachother, right?
Wudiin and I both wondered about why Sambreel left. Apparantly, Ravenflight had been the glue that kept our group together. But I was fine with a bit of rest too. I only now noticed my fast breathing, and how my dark pelt had warmed up in the sun. Gladly, I joined Wudiin to sit on the rock. I was hoping he wouldn't mind the warmth coming from my pelt.
We sat there for a while, watching the happenings around us. Although I might always seem to be a hyperactive doe that can't stop bouncing, I'm happy to take my share in rests. Actually, sitting next to friends are the memory's I adore. Listening to the birds, watching the other deer and fawn, and the occassional squirrel hopping through the grass. I looked back to Wudiin. He seemed a bit troubled with something.. I was able to distract his mind, to get him a bit out of his shelter, but there were things I couldn't solve. It made me a bit angry inside, he had always been such a help to me, why couldn't I simply solve everything?
I decided that I'd be there for him, always. As he was there for me, I was there for him. If that was all I could do, then I'd do my best. I was still deep in thought when he stood up, and his warm breath shook me out of my trance. He had to go. I lifted myself up to my hooves, embracing him in a long nuzzle. He whispered.
"Thank you for being here today...I love you so incredibly much....". My ears lowered, his voice! He sounded so sad. But I tried not to show my worry.
I love you too Wudiin, with all my heart.. I gave him a nod as a sign that we'd meet again, and that I'd wait for him.
As he had left, I felt a bit lost for a moment. I went back to Rajan, but he had left too. All of a sudden, I was pretty much all alone. Though, the golden stag was still around, and I tried to greet him in a more proper way. We sat for a while, untill he had to go.
After that, things went quick. I met a very cute fawn, which I was trying to make a proper student in my silly antics. My favourite: Breakdance. Oh and simultanious things, ofcourse! Pretty sure I'm going to remember that picto. I soon started to feel drowsy, though, and said my goodbye.
As I woke up again, I woke up alone. Something felt odd, yet again, and I was alarmed by the scream of a desperate fawn.
Know that I am not one for fighting, but noone's allowed to hurt fawns. Not that anyone's allowed to hurt another without good reason, actually. I had heard of this certain deer undertaking more often in fawn-attacks or the ruthless attacks against poor nameless. And for the little of antler that I had, I still decided to show it.
In the end I got him to run off, and I went back to the pond with the fawn, keeping my eyes open for the little guy. It made me think, though, what could drive someone to do such a thing? Why hurt something as innocent as fawns and nameless? They're both learning, and when they show anger, they might just be playing with you. Most likely are! Aren't we supposed to try and teach them what everything means? Teach them about this place? It confuses me..
When the fawn left, I decided to go back to some strutting through the forest. Apparantly the thinking had made me a bit melancholic, and a bit anti-social. I placed myself on a rock, looking over the landscape. There was some stuff going on between other deer, apparantly, but with no interest in me I had no interest in them. When I turned around, I saw Clavier and two of her friends approach. Clavier seemed a bit shy again, and I gave them a bow before trotting off. Another mood swing. I almost bumped in another stag, wearing the devout pelt, though temporary. He had me a bit confused for a moment, but I decided to formally greet him anyway, and say goodbye again. In the end, I sat down at the pond.
There was an annoying mocking in my belly that didn't have any plans to stop. I found myself staring at others, almost numb. There was still a lot to learn out here..
Warmth. Someone had joined me. I turned my head to find someone I had been missing for a little while now, someone always cheering me up. I couldn't help but smile again. She really had become beautifull since I had met her. She always was, though.
I gave Onev the mask she was looking for, and she gave me lessons on something I wanted to learn earlier that day. How to get IN the ground, and IN the rocks. I think that I've got the trick now, but it won't always work. Guess I'm still doing something wrong! She was the only one with the patience to try and learn me, though. It made me feel happy again. Oh, moodswings.
In our mask-spelling from before, I had obtained a curious face-covering orange mask, which Seele was wearing a lot too. I decided to keep it on, it made an intresting combination with my new golden-pelt. I'm not ashamed to say, that I love trying out new things. I'm cautious with it though, maybe a bit shy about what others think.
We got a bit vain and started to take close-ups. Onev really got my mind off of all negativity it had been going through before, and I love her dearly. You know what I thought of too? Back in the days, I thought I needed something as a "day and night" set. Now I learned that I can wear anything I want. But I had a "day" set. And the curious thing is, Onev is now wearing that exact set! I'm not sure why I find that to be so funny, maybe I can see her as the sun now? Handing out titles is pretty fun.
Oh, whoa, seems like I've been rambling again. Time to go!
Uh, whoa, seems like I've been rambling! I should really get Polt out of the forest when I decide to write her a diary 8D; elseway the happenings just.. Keep happening!! XDD Though, I'm not a writer, but I had a fun time writing this anyway. I'm not looking for critique either, since my goal isn't to be a writer either XD But if you have any tips for me, or you saw some mistakes/something I should pay attention to, don't hesitate!
Next is going to be FLIPPIN SHORTER THOUGH *Dies*
|D Love it! I don't see you
-- Dannii <3
Blog, Updates, Pictograms, Biographies
i love it!
._. that's..not Stumpdeer
DraakxMitra C:
Wow... I love this do you
Dannii: Thanks! <3 Yeah, I
Thanks! <3 Yeah, I know.. I'm always jealous of those great writer out there, of which you are one too XD!! But nya, it's just for fun!
Thank you!
It is ._."... *Sigh*
Hey there! Good to see ya! *Hug* Oh and actually, no XD I don't write, and if I'd write it'd be in my own language and not in english. Which means I've got a bit of a handicap in writing, I don't know a lot of sayings and such XD Being descriptive is hard. But thanks!
--Stays a lonely Seele
Good to see ya too.
D'ah! Awesome journal! I
I noticed that one aggressive stag yesterday attacking one of the fawns in particular for some 10 mins strait... o.O
Eventually got into a fight with him. o.O
Moonsorro: I shall reply to
I shall reply to this, in dutch, and then put it in a translator X"D:
Yes that I is able do, but from experience has become clear that those translators do not make of it really a beautiful English whole. Heheh. And thank you, perhaps I do not go also letter as much as more, I weet it. I must say that the writers inspire here me a lot!
..*Confused look*
Thank you! <3 Glad you think so XD
He has attacked one of my fawns before too actually, so I'm pretty sure it's more often random. And it just ANGERS me. ._. 10 minutes!? Geesh really.
--Stays a lonely Seele
! I had the Phantom in the
I had the Phantom in the forest but then I noticed Polty's picto and I remembered that Onev hadn't met her for a long time. It was really nice to spend time with her again, and I think I'm going to play her more often now. C8
I didn't know that was Polt's day set, I just thought it looked nice.
And I love your writing skills, you definitely should write more.
Thanks for awesome time, again!
I'm not sure if it's the
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
I'm sorry Sambreel left!
Wow! I honestly can't even
*falls over*
How do you do that?! Seriously! I feel like I'm cheating now or something like that. D:
At any rate, stunning entry! You should really do these more often if you have the time to.
(And the fact that every single one of my deers managed to wiggle their way into this entry. Heh!)
That huge crowd by the pond, ShimmyDeer was there, and I was taking closeups of everyone. It probably looked pretty strange if one didn't know what was going on.
It really is nice seeing Poltergeist's point of view, though. This must've taken forever, no doubt. And I see a fuzzy Wudiiin! You even added in his fluff! That's AWESOME.
Once again, amaziiiiiing entry! Sorry Poltergeist got into a fight, but what can you do...I guess?
*noms page*
Narina: Daww <3 Polt had
Daww <3 Polt had missed her. Complaining to me all the time D8 Yeah I saw you had her in yesterday too! But I was actually a bit busy, so I thought it would be smarter to keep Chism in XDD Since she's not that.. Eh, active. And it doesn't matter, it's actually cute! <3 It definitly looks nice XD
Aw thank you, maybe I will ._. I hope to have more time soon anyway
No problem! I should thank you! <3!!
Have no clue either XD But they apologised, and apparantly it was their cousins doings. So ah well. Also apparantly people don't like me defending the helpless 8DD; maybe it's best for me to shut up for a while or so.
Oh no it's not a problem at all! Polt just wanted to make sure she included eeeverything in her story. And that's pretty intresting actually XD Hope to see you again too! ^^
*Puts you on your feet again* But it's true ._."" I still have a hard time finding the right english words XDD Pretty sure that's mostly noticable on msn/chats/etc 8D Aw XD Thanks though, really flattered here <3!!
I hope to have more time to make them! They're pretty fun, and I'm looking forward to trying it with different characters, and to see if I can pull the difference between them off.
Oh, see, stupid dutchy doesn't know what impecible means X"D Pretty sure it's positive though 8D <3 I take too many screenshots, really ._." So I hope SOMETIMES a good one slips between XD And yes, that's what your deer seem to do! XDD
I knew about the closeups, but when I got there I suddenly got some irl problems so had to place Polt down, and decided to 'twist the plot' a bit, by not letting her know. And it did take forever yes XD Especially since I usually don't do such things.
Yeah I tried to add a bit of his fluff, but not spending too much time on it XD
Thank you!! <3 *Hugs* Feels like a great compliment to hear so from you! Epic writer person ¬.¬ XD Hm, Polt should keep her nose out of other people's business. That might work with her getting in less fights, yes. XD HEY, now my page is nommed! D8!!
--Stays a lonely Seele
That was interesting to
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul