My Fawn Days | GIANT Falling Rocks

1418darkness's picture
what do falling rocks do to your stag/fawn???
Chickenwhite's picture

Nothing as far as I know,

Nothing as far as I know, they're just a bit of forest magic >w<
1418darkness's picture

by the way, umm....,, may I

by the way, umm....,, may I ask? how did you make and what software did you use to create your signature?
Chickenwhite's picture

Oh, I didn't make that,

Oh, I didn't make that, Trigger_Mortis did, but I DO make siggies. I use photoshop for mine, but if you haven't got that, paint tool sai works in much the same way and is free to download >w<
What you wanna do is set the base to transparent, draw your sig and then just save it as either a png or a gif-file >w<
1418darkness's picture

thanks a lot! ^^

thanks a lot! ^^
Chickenwhite's picture

You're welcome ^w^

You're welcome ^w^