My Curse is Lifted, but Still I am Haunted

Koonie's picture
I have once again been given passage to the Forest! The only incidents that stand anywhere around me are behind me and out of sight.

I returned to the Forest today, but I was surprised to see that I had somewhat a stalker.There was a deer that's Pictograph was identical to my own. What can I make of this? The deer stayed in one place, but, for example, when I went to pray to the Twin Gods, there it was again. And no, it was not myself or a reflection of myself. The deer had a completely different set than mine. Please give me guidance!

Fear not This often

Fear not Eye

This often happens to other deer, we've yet to understand why or how. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with your game, just an odd glitch that happens once in a while.

Koonie's picture

If there is anything you

If there is anything you know that can help me, please say so. I dont know if every Picto is one of a kind and you are the onky one who can have that Picto or what, so help me out please!

For the sake of deer, let there be Light in the Forest that never ends.
Thank you Lightbringers.

Sadly I don't know how you

Sadly I don't know how you get rid of the glitch, never having had it happen to me. I assume you've tried logging out and back in? As for your question about pictos, yes, every picto is unique. Someone can, by chance, get one that looks like yours but your picto is your own and nobody can replicate it exactly.

Pegasicorn's picture

Don't worry. It was just the

Don't worry. It was just the clone glitch. Was it the deer with the "leopard" pelt? I saw them standing on the cliff side of the pond last night/early this morning my time, with its head turned to one side. It never moved, and spells didn't affect it. Definitely a glitch.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Koonie's picture

YES!!!! It was THAT deer! It

YES!!!! It was THAT deer! It had a leopard looking pelt and it had blue eye shadow-looking stuff! It had MY Picto and it was in that same place with that EXACT stance. Check out my picto and see if you can remember it's picto and tell me if they were the same.

For the sake of deer, let there be Light in the Forest that never ends.
Thank you Lightbringers.
Pegasicorn's picture

I just said it was a clone

I just said it was a clone glitch. I know this cuz it had my deer's picto, too. XD They tend to have everyone's to everyone. What's even weirder is, I d/c'd for a second, and when it reconnected, the glitch deer was a nameless fawn, still with that pelt. A minute later, they changed back into a clone stag. O_o

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography