Miss Tuna
August 8, 2008 - 4:44am — fayne

Name: She has quite a few. Tuna, Tunafish, Miss Tuna, Tuna Salad...you could invent a few, if you'd like.
Titles: The Masked Maiden, Cap'n Tuna, Lady of the Water
Nicknames: Oi. So many.
Age: To clear up the confusion - Tuna's an embodiment of my mental maturity, not my physical age. So take your pick. :3 Most people says 19 or so.
Gender: Doe
Pictogram: Here
How to Remember It: It reminds me of water. Dunno why.
Set: As long as she has the Long mask and Peacock feathers, Tuna will wear any pelt. The only exceptions are the Zombie and Orange pelts.
Humanoid Appearence: She's tall, lanky, and not exactly in-shape, but still reasonably attractive. Her hair is short and blond. Her eyes change colors between gray, green and blue - it happens at certain times, but it's complicated, so I'll leave that alone. She tends to dress casually. However, she will NEVER go anywhere without her black hat.
Persona: Tuna is the deer I play as myself. Still, she has a few of her own tendencies. She's generally quiet and prefers to blend in with the background until you get to know her. She has a few different sides, but in general, she loves to laugh and have fun. She's prone to moodswings, but a few nuzzles will get her on her way unless she's really depressed. When she's mad...watch out. In her pirate guise, she'll perform many a daring deed with Her at her side.
Likes: Her close friends, being a pirate, and much more.
Dislikes: RD, SS and her posse, annoying deer in general, etc.
Companions: Tunafish keeps certain friends very close. She loves Scape, Lieka, Walter, and a few others. Her is considered her number-one partner in crime and a mentor.
Love: For some odd reason, Tuna Salad knows a lot about relationships and is willing to offer plenty of advice. She's unoficially married to Bale lol.
Family: Tuna considers Aeros, Loop and Pan her family.
Favorite Locations: Highly drawn to water, Tuna Fillet is almost constantly hanging around the Pond, the Bridge, and the Crying Idol. She doesn't like the vibes of the Playground, and so will only go there for closeup-taking.
Favorite Pastimes: Taking closeups, being with close friends, being a Jesus deer, levtitating, etc.
-Tuna's an in-Forest projection of myself. I'll play her how I'm feeling.
Songs: I'm No Superman - Lazlo Bane, White Houses - Vanessa Carlton, Why Should I Worry- Billy Joel
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