Mini Abio!

Draak's picture
But first..
LOST: One Skull Mask, belongs to Draak. XD Yup thats me messing around with TEF again. I was able to make Draaks body dissapear while lying down >_>

Yesterday, my day in the forest started like any other. I was found and was playing with a few deer (one of which was Auge, Seele's sister XD). Until Raz saw a familiar picto, this picto belonged to Michael. I then bolted towards him in hope to actually meet up with one of the gods of the forest o.o I'm sorry for randomly running off my fellow deer, but its not very often that you get to see one of the forest gods XD; I actually managed to catch up with him and greeted him before beckoning others to come over. And soon the Mini Abiogenesis began Laughing out loud

Flowers! Aw Quammy you missed out on the Purple Flower Explosion XD

Is it possible? one of the twin gods is scared of me? Shocked

And then Michael started to burn things, and made fog fall on the forest.

We then began to run, flames trailing behind us 8D

And met up with everyone Laughing out loud. Michael then turned red in colour, his god colour I presume. Since he also wore it in the Easter Abiogenesis.




OHMY Shocked

A rainbow! wow its been a while since i've seen one of those, I haven't seen one since the last Abio..

Michael then turned back to normal, and we slowly followed suit. He became a fawn and made some ladybugs appear.

And ran off. Heeeeeeeere Fawny fawny fawnyyyyy!

He then stopped inside the Great Oak, where we lay down and he created a little fire before leaving us with some rain.

Ah that was fun Laughing out loud. And in all that you can see me in a new set I like. Raz and I have dubbed it the "Demon Bird" >8D

~Raz and Draak
Noekie's picture

very nice^^

very nice^^
surtor's picture

aww man i missed another

aww man i missed another one!!! =[
Seele's picture

Demon birdyy! Yeah that was

Demon birdyy! Yeah that was great, my first Abio! Even if it was small and I missed half of it XDD My memory misses the rainbow.. How odd.. Hmm.. >>"...
But yeah it be great day!~

--Stays a lonely Seele
Anzel's picture



So THERE are the ladybugs...

(i had come across a 'ladybugs' file and wondered what they were...thank you for posting a picture, now i know ^^; )
Kanaf's picture

oh no! i missed it too... if

oh no! i missed it too... if i wasnt stuck with game problems, i might have seen it too. i logged on right after he left! *sigh* oh well... i guess ill just have to make it to an official Abio Sticking out tongue
Draak's picture

Noekie: Thanks ^^ Kona: Aww

Thanks ^^

Aww D:

Yeah 8D. If you thought that was good wait until you experience a real Abio, they go for about an hour and a bit and are Laughing out loud. I think I only saw the rainbow by chance cos I had it zoomed out XD

Yeah! actually I saw that file too a few days ago >_> XD and was wondering what they looked like. I was like "Aaaaaaaah so THATS what they look like!"
Elian's picture

And of course this happened

And of course this happened when I wasn't able to come. XDD

The demon bird, aww. XD
Tuhka's picture

I've never seen those

I've never seen those ladybugs... Shocked Shocked Shocked
Draak's picture

Eliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: XD yeah

XD yeah D:

XP yeah, I got it in a spell spam and Draak like's his birdy self XD

Me either Shocked that was the first time I'd ever seen them Shocked LADYBUG CONSPIRICY Shocked
Anzel's picture

I bet you anything that I

I bet you anything that I caused it >:3 (i mentioned that i'd seen the file on the forum, lol)
Draak's picture

Oooh you did? 8D hehe that'd

Oooh you did? 8D hehe that'd be cool if that was the reason XD
Elian's picture

XD btw how did you make

XD btw how did you make Draak's body disappear? o.o XD
Draak's picture

Ah...tis magic 8D and

Ah...tis magic 8D and tinkering around in the TEF folders >_>...