The Merry Tales - Manipulating Lesson

PLK217's picture

What all can happen in the Forest?
Come and have a look!
More below

Do you sometimes feel weak in comparison with all the mighty stags in the Forest?

There is no reason for that. In fact, even a little fawn has more power then they do. You don't believe? Just look at me!


Just look at them: two stags sitting by the pond enjoying the outlook.
You don't even need to know them or greet them
(stags are sooo lazy that they wouldn't stand up and greet you anyway).
Just walk right in between them and sit as if were there sitting all the time. Sit and rest. This will take some time.
But don't fall asleep! And make sure the stags are not dozing either!


Then, when the stags await it the least, when they don't pay an attention to you,
just stand up turn to the opposite way and again: sit as if you were sitting there this way all the time.
Then wait till the smarter and watchful one won't do the same. Perfect. And now the show begins!


You see how he's totally puzzled? He has no idea what has happened!


This is the way how to beat their pride, ladies,
how to make them bend their back and sink the once ominous antlers down with shame!


Now put on the most innocent face a fawn can do
and enjoy the mumbling of the stag, who right now feels like absolute dumb!
It sounds so sweet, right?


"Does' tricks prevail over the stags' strength!"

lol XD that black stag is

lol XD that black stag is Gehirn and the brown one is Virgil, lol! XDDD

Ephra's picture

This is awesome, where do you

This is awesome, where do you come up with this stuff xD
ocean's picture

Haha, nice. xDD Go fawn!

Haha, nice. xDD
Go fawn!
Verycrazygirl's picture

This made me laugh so much XD

This made me laugh so much XD You're brilliant! <3

PLK217's picture

So glad you all like it. But

So glad you all like it. But still I think it made me laugh much more when I was doing this.

Fawns are the best!
Seele's picture

I laughed so hard.. Poor

I laughed so hard.. Poor Gehirn.. It's so true too though! That's pretty much exactly what happend X"D... He's going to remember youuu.

*fells of her chair* oh my

*fells of her chair*

oh my god this is hilarious xDD poor gehirn
Spyrre's picture

Aww... Such a sneaky fawn! xD

Aww... Such a sneaky fawn! xD XD
This is hilarious. <3
PLK217's picture

That is just Foxbrow. When

That is just Foxbrow. When there is nothing else to do she loves to play games where she can make the others feel foolish...

Seele: Of course it happened exactly this way. Surly I won't fable... *captious grin*
OkamiLugia's picture

HAHA it's like "wait... what

HAHA it's like "wait... what just happened?" lol
Reyy's picture

Hahaha. I love this!

Hahaha. I love this!
Pretzil's picture

It's.... GENIUS!! >8D

It's.... GENIUS!Exclaim! >8D

I burst out laughing. This

I burst out laughing. This was great. X- D *Goes to read the next.*