"Sometimes it's easy to think of the past...
to dream of the way things were...
to forget the bad things and pretend the past was perfect.
But the reality is that things were never easy...
And somehow, you still survived.
You got through.
You managed.
So keep your chin up.
One day, you'll look back on today
And remember how easy things were...
I don't know. Found this old picture in my screenshots folder, and wanted to do something with it. If anyone by any chance knows who the deer in the middle is? I can't remember, it's been too long...
The gazelle deer? Not sure
It's a very pretty edit though, bittersweet feel of nostalgia. <3
I was afraid of that. I hate
This was .. I think June or July of 2009, so it's been a while. |D
Anyway, thank you. <3
Is it possible that it could
Btw, I like what you do with the pictograms to make them stand out. *Hails the almighty skills*
You know that's exactly what
And, you mean tracing over them with a 1-pixel brush? |D Haha. <3
Hey, it works. =P
The edit of this makes the
that much more warm and nap taking worthy.
Also, edits like this always make the grown ups look that more regal.
(sorry for the silly comment)