I had so much fun making this c: Especially trying a mostly line-less approach since I hate my lines with a passion.
Fail rococo frame, yayyyyyyy!
I honestly can't tell if the contrast is really sucky on this; my laptop screen is always tilted at crazy angles so it's nearly impossible to tell what it looks like for others. If it's too hard to see, I'll be happy to fix it up in a jiffy c:
This is sooooooooooooooooo awesome amazingnesss!!!! slkdlkdfj Thank you sooooooooooo much!!!! She's GORGEOUSNESSSSSSS I lovelovelove it!! I looooooove the face XDDD So cute and totally frilliness!!!! Her hair *U* And her big ol' ears!! AWWW SOOOOOOO CUTEEE!!!! /diediedie
slkjskdsd FFFFFFFFF I cannot thank you enough!!!! Thank you thank you thannnnk you!!! 8D
♥ ♥ ♥ *SQUEEZE huggle*
Oh my goodness xD I'm so glad
Wheeeeeee <3 *huggleface*
I promise I will draw you
I don't demand anything in
Ohh this is really pretty. I
Andthefaceisgorgeous <33
Thank you, Starling! ^u^