Lurking Closer

zzzZZZTaller, would be my

zzzZZZTaller, would be my guezz.ZZZzzz He said with a chuckle, affectionately grooming her back as well as he could, having a mouth blocked by metal, cruel and unfeeling. Still, he seemed to manage to loosen her stiff muscles just slightly, a smile on his face as he felt her body relaxing more.
He liked being close to her, to groom her... He really had missed her a lot while he was... sleeping...
A tiny shudder went through his body.

[Congratulations! XD Oh, and so sorry for forgetting to answer, but I doubt he will ever grow up; if he did, he would tower above the trees and the Gods, even. I should upload some pictures of his ancestry some time soon...]

[Wow, the humans really

[Wow, the humans really mucked up his growth then, huh? XD]

She purred softly. Feeling the metal-grated speaker on her back, she suddenly had a question.
"Radio...?" She turned her head to face him, eyes solemn but curious.
"What was it like in the White Walls?"

[Not exactly, this has

[Not exactly, this has something to do with his species~]

Blinking once, Radio sighed a small chuckle. This question seemed to surprise him a great deal. He hadn't thought about The White Walls for a long time now and he'd given up looking for them... Thinking back, he was even... happy, that he'd gotten away from that place...
zzzZZZThe White Wallz... Heh, it'z zuch a long time zince I lazt thought about them... I don't remember it well anymore, the dayz were a blurr... There zeemed to exizt no time in that plaze, like... like if zomeone'd juzt dezided to never let the zun zet...ZZZzzz He thought for a moment, digging hard into his confused memories, trying to wrench any remembrance of his former home from the recess of his mind.
Giving a low hum, he rested his head on the other's back, still grooming softly.
zzzZZZI remember they kept me in a zmall zpace... That'z why my legz don't work properly, or at leazt that'z what Vaclair zayz...ZZZzzz he pondered, voice as calm as it ever could be, the subject apparently still holding a great nostalgic value to him.
zzzZZZThere weren't any treez or grazz or zky, juzt... white everywhere... It waz beautiful...ZZZzzz He said with a serene smile, a playback of a doe's giggle going off in his voice as he spoke again.
zzzZZZCould you imagine thiz plaze, covered by znow all the time? That'z how white everything waz...ZZZzzz He sighed with that curious smile still on his lips, the wave of warmth coming from him becoming even more soothing for some reason right at that moment...

[Dear God, that was a long one!]

She listened with silent

She listened with silent wonder as he spoke. She could not see how he had ever enjoyed it there.
"Wow. What did the two-legs do to you there?" She asked, slowly laying down to get comfortable. Her legs were becoming incredibly sore from reopening wounds and bruised bones.

[And I produce a very short post, lol. What is Radio's species, then? o.o]

Giving a small frown as he

Giving a small frown as he let himself lie down next to her, Radio sighed heavily as he spoke again, an ancient pain forgotten in his features.
zzzZZZI don't remember too well... They made me talk and ztopped my body from dizappearing...ZZZzzz He said, a look of concentration in his featureless eyes as memories gently paraded themselves around his mind, memories of needles, bright lights, tiny confinements and what would feel like days without sleep...
He shook his head gently.
zzzZZZThey hurt me...ZZZzzz He finally said, an unending gloom in his voice as his warmth shuddered cold for just a split second, but enough to give anyone close enough to feel it chills.

[A mystery, my friend~]

She shuddered. The grey doe

She shuddered. The grey doe groomed up his neck soothingly, and then, without thinking, gave him a little kiss on the cheek. She hardly seemed to notice anything she had done.
"They won't hurt you here, you're safe in the forest." Her cheeks then began to burn and turn bright pink. Ryff grinned nervously.

[Grr, you're so secretive. xD]
FleurDeSoleil's picture

She watched, listened, to him

She watched, listened, to him say her name. Many had trouble with it at first, but none quite had a voice like his. Despite Radio's appearance, she soon found herself smiling with him. How child-like he seemed... "No, I am not. I am from a land called Nippon. Are you from here?" She had yet to be able to tell if someone was from beyond this forest simply from looking. Whether it was keenness or a good guess on this "buck's" part, she didn't know. "And what is that thing in your mouth? It is a technology I have not personally seen." She nodded to his watch-necklace. "But I do know a clock when I see one." She barely realized that now she was the curious one.

Ryff: Surprised at this

Ryff: Surprised at this sudden greater show of affection made Radio stare for a second, before he giggled sweetly and nudged her cheek back, butterflies in his stomach making him feel like he was standing on clouds.
He smiled. It had been a long time since he'd felt this comfortable around anyone else than Serendipity... It was a nice feeling, and it made him think of the little songbird.
zzzZZZI know...ZZZzzz He said with a warm smile, wanting so badly to return the soft kiss, to give her a sign of affection as well... It saddened him to be unable to do so...

FleurDeSoleil: Looking down as the doe nodded in the direction of a watch, Radio's brow furrowed slightly, swallowing at the mention of his mouth.
zzzZZZThiz... thiz allowz me to zpeak. The Two-legged onez made it.ZZZzzz He said, smile fading from his round face... but only for a moment as he soon gave a small chuckle.
zzzZZZThey gave me this watch too!...ZZZzzz He said, that childish glee back in his voice and face, ears standing up straight, his big, bright eyes staring unblinking in an attentive and excited manner.

The nervous smile still on

The nervous smile still on her lips, she sighed inwardly, knowing that the horrible speaker in his mouth made it impossible to return the kiss. Still, the nudge was just as good. Ryff giggled. Most of her affections for other deer were limited to grooming and cuddling. Kissing Radio just...happened. It was nice but slightly embarrassing at the same time.
She opened her mouth to say something but forgot it and simply sighed contently. It was a nice day, silent, save for the bird songs. Why not listen to what they had to sing?

And it would seem Radio

And it would seem Radio shared her point of view as his long ears turned to catch the quiet song, a content sigh in his chest as he closed his eyes, listening... Silently... Serenely... closely...
He was snuggling softly into the older-looking doe, a small, curious but endlessly calm smile on his lips around the speaker as he enjoyed the soft feel of her fur...
He really had missed her a lot...
Sleep... was a quite lonely place after all...

She became aware of his

She became aware of his breathing slowing, a feeling of drowsiness in the air as she too curled her neck around her younger-looking friend. To passerby it would look like a very young mother deer guarding her sleeping fawn, when in reality they were only a month apart in age.
Her final thoughts before sleeping were...
How she had missed him...
Where he had been...
And who the two-legs were that made him who he is.
Sleep is not so lonely anymore.

[B' you have time to meet in-forest?]

[Aww, what an adorable

[Aww, what an adorable finale~
And as it were, I actually do have some time~ What does your picto look like again?]

[Here you go. :3]

[Here you go. :3]

Thank you very much! ^^ I

Thank you very much! ^^ I will send Radio in to wander near the ruins, see you there~

I am terribly sorry to have

I am terribly sorry to have to cut things short, but I have matters to attend to...
But we should do this again soon!
FleurDeSoleil's picture

She noticed how much more he

She noticed how much more he seemed to like the watch. Or was he simply avoiding discussing his mouth? She smiled back at him, almost overwhelmed by the brightness of his eyes, before tentatively asking, "The Two-Legged ones... Were they human?" If she had learned anything since being here, it was not to assume too much.

Radio blinked, his ears

Radio blinked, his ears instantaneously perking up, eyes glowing in a dull light as something inside of him felt he might finally have found an answer to the eternal question plaguing his warped mind.
zzzZZZHumanz?... What're they like?ZZZzzz he asked, interest in his eyes and voice, something like faint voices mixing into the static which sounded every time he talked. The voices sounded human, using long, foreign words and appearing very professional, talking about what sounded like chemical compounds and physics...
FleurDeSoleil's picture

Her ears had strained forward

Her ears had strained forward each time he spoke, reflexively trying to pick up on the words. Though none were familiar, she could hear enough to identify the timbre of their speakers as human. "The humans... Are the those whose voices that sound with yours. Two tall, strong legs, mostly hairless things, with hair and skin colors almost as variable as those of who live here. They have amazingly constructed arms, with even more amazing hands at the ends of those arms, far more complex than the hooves you and I have."

Listening intently, Radio's

Listening intently, Radio's head was cocking curiously from side to side with sickening cracks coming from his stiff, under-developed neck, his bright eyes wide and staring in fascination.
zzzZZZThat zoundz like them! Where did you meet them? Did they teach you how to zpeak too?ZZZzzz He asked, his voice a flurry of words coming in a steady stream as he even took a curious step closer, his heart beating fast in his chest.
He was so close to an answer, he could almost touch it! Finally he would find out why those... "humans" had done what they did and why. This beautifully white doe was like an angel sent from above, simply to help him find out about his enigmatic place in this forest.

[ Dinamo made us something.