Pegasicorn's picture
Big image under cut.

Apparently Blue freaked out a red rock hound by casting a spell on it. The light caused it to panic and flee. Not knowing why, Blue followed curiously. The rock hound got so desperate to get away that it leapt from a cliff to its demise.

Based off an RP that took place in Feral Hearts. Blue was pretty much smiling and humming for part of the chase, which was creepy, so I left it out of the comic version.
quadraptor's picture

X3 funny how it happened

X3 funny how it happened pretty much exactly like that too, haha!

well..except for me ramming the rock hound into a tree at one point, but that was when we were trying to decide why Blue would be chasing him...and why the rock hound would be running away too.
Pegasicorn's picture

Oh yea, I forgot about the

Oh yea, I forgot about the tree part. Laughing out loud I probably wouldn't've been able to fit it anyway; I was already squeezing stuff in the paper to avoid grabbing another sheet. XD

Love this! And I love the

Love this!
And I love the screenshot from FH on the Rock Hound Rp blog too. XD
Pegasicorn's picture


Laughing out loud Thanks.