Life. e_e

fayne's picture
School starts next Monday for me. ;_; At least it'll cut down on my internet use, but seriously. It's difficult to hate the place as much as I do.
Anyways, I won't be here most of Friday, as I'm gonna be at the mall in Chesapeake with a friend. And my sister's birthday party is after I get home. ;_; I may just sleep over to escape the brats. The rest of the week I'll be here, except for a bit of Saturday and Sunday due to my need for school supplies. And, if the bike comes in at the shop that I want, we'll go and get it. Laughing out loud Because guess what, parents? I don't give a flying fadoodle at the Walmart and Kmart bikes. And their cheapness.
How's life for y'all?

[edit] And, on top of this, no one's on Iscribble. -pout-
Emiva's picture

You go fayne! And my life

You go fayne! And my life sucks at the moment -_-



...*hugs* Sisters suck D:

...*hugs* Sisters suck D: And so does school. SCHOOLSUCKSIHATESITDX.


-- Dannii <3
Deer700's picture

my school started this

my school started this monday. and I'm on iscribble! XD
edit: -.- I can't log in.
edit2: I'm in now! X)
perp + jadine = <3 I wont give up =)
Perplex' Bio.
Mio's Bio.