Recent x Map
"Better late than never."
mental-99% physical-100% emotional-100%
Later awoke next to the tigress doe and what appeared to be her daughter(Stria), along with two deer that appeared to be visitors(Can't find their names :[). Not long after, another doe appeared(Kio). Tall, green, and graceful, with a very beautiful and unique frame. It didn't take long for Lesedi to gather that she and the tigress were intimate. All of the new faces were, at first, overwhelming, but with encouragement from Shalah and a gentle nuzzle from Kio, the small group made her feel more than welcome, and in much higher spirits than she was in before they met. Engaged in play with the group for quite a while, until everyone settled down and dozed off. Quietly took her leave with a silent thank you while everyone was out.
Kept trying to interact with new faces, didn't seem to be going very well. Most encountered were either busy or just plain uninterested in company (poor Lesedi Lol) Finally got tired of trying and settled down in a sunny patch near a tree. Almost immediately afterwards was approached by a gorgeous and slightly intimidating doe (Shahla). First time seeing a tigress, lots of sniffs. Happily obliged when invited to play, though the taller doe seemed a little out of it in the beginning. Didn't last long. The tigress was obviously enjoying herself as much as Lesedi was very soon afterwards. Settled down after a bit to rest, joined by Shahla.
I guess sometimes, it's best to let company come to you.
Wandered around aimlessly looking to be less bored. Stopped when she found a large impressive looking buck, (virgil). Was sort of intimidated by his scars and size, but figured he wasn't aggresive after he gave her a friendly sniff. Decided against trying to play with him, and settled for sitting quietly in fear of annoying the older stag.
Later caught whiff of a familiar scent, Zenaida! Ran to and embraced the taller blue doe, she was well missed. Played with her and group of a few others for a while until they tired and rested. After Zen left, decided to go see who else was lurking around, joined by a beige buck from the small group (SylvanRah). Found Draven and horsed around with him and the other buck until approached by the impressive stag from earlier, and an equally experienced and mature looking red stag Lesedi hadn't seen before (Saosin). Surprisingly they joined in on the fun, briefly. Got a little nervous with all the antlers and testosterone hanging around and stepped aside for a while, watching the bucks spar and strut. The red and redder bucks soon departed, as did the beige. Napped next to Draven before departing quietly into the forest just to fall asleep again. Joined by lem, good day.
1/7/15(late udate)
Spent majority of the day playing with Lem, Thais, and Draven. Then just lem until both dozed off. Good day.
-General- -In Depth- -Relations- -Art- -Etc-
Forest Name: Lesedi
linkThe spectral eye.
Age:Early 20's
Gender: doe, female, mare
Orientation: Heterosexual, questioning
Size: Slightly smaller than 7-->
Species: Has Cervine, Equine, and some distant feline ancestry.
Diet: Omnivorous, but is uncomfortable with the idea of eating a live/raw animal. Currently vegetarian.
Scent: freshly churned earth. Spicy and warm, like scorched cinnamon. slightly sweet.
Ref: coming soon.
Voice ref: coming maybe.
Speaks in:
In Forest appearance: mini spell, real deer mask, magpie feathers, leopard pelt(swan during colder seasons).
Attributes: +Friendly, observant, empathetic, patient, thoughtful, cautious, playful, helpful, nurturing, undeterred.
=sarcastic, nosy, stubborn/heard-headed, submissive, persistent
- jealous, moody, unforgiving, manipulative, disconcerting, detached, Flight>>>Fight
~Sight beyond sight. Bottomless pools of flawless molten gold churn, and shift. Capturing things outside the realm of possibility, Glowing inquisitively, brighter than the sun. Nothing escapes. The world is tinged yellow; fish scavenging at the bottom of the pond, healthy young sparring bucks and the enormous birch trees they're raking their antlers on, the heavy, unnatural shadow, vainly trying to comfort his mourning kin, lumbering aimlessly in a world that is no longer his own. The pools glow warmly in frustration and empathy for the fallen stag, but there is naught they can do to heal one who is already gone. Sight beyond sight, the gold heals but cannot revive. The color blind doe may indeed be the least blind deer in all the forest.~
Common actions:
Bow= Hi. (does a full bow for fawns, cordial bow to adults. Unsure why.)
Bow+head tilt= cordial hello (used when meeting most new people)
bow+rear= headbutt (usually playful as she doesn't have antlers and is rather small. May be a sign of jealousy on some occasions.)
surprise+ anything/ sniff and run= playful mood
sad+head shake= "I don't like that."
Continuous sniffing= You smell nice, I like you.
Circling deer= play with me?
Quick Notes on her personality-
*Highly cautious around fawns. Won't rough house when there's one around, feels anxious when others are rowdy around them. Despite this, she loves their company. Doesn't want any of her own for the time being; thought of motherhood makes her cringe.
*Loves company and meeting new people, seems to prefer the company of other does. Awestruck by large characters. Occasionally stalks players with impressive antlers. (male and female)
*Observant. VERY observant. often found staring off into "space" or at particular deer. Doesn't seem to realize (or care) this can be quite unsettling, or even considered rude to some people.
Beige pelt, covered in leopard like spots on the right side from rump to flank, and over to the left shoulder. Slightly lighter in winter, with thicker fur. Patterning not visible on left flank and right shoulder. Sharp gold appendages near hooves used for defense; though not deadly would leave a mark and hurt quite a bit. Front two hooves are cloven, the rear two are one toed like a horse. All are goldish black and heavily textured at the bottom making her a speedy sprinter, and even a somewhat good climber. Long, downy, cream colored tail that curls at the end, curls up on her back when she's alarmed or balancing. Cream tuft of the same downy fur resting between her shoulders. Higher than average body temperature, always feels like she's running a fever. Resting next to her is like sitting in a slightly too warm bath. Striking, bright gold eyes that are constantly churning and glittering with no discernible pupil. Eyes glow softly when excited and furiously when angered. Can be quite unsettling to squeamish deer, possibly beautiful to others. The feathers she has behind her ear are more decoraton than anything, she finds them in the forest and fixes them in the fur behind her left ear. May change depending on feathers she finds in the forest.
Lesedi possesses a unique form of color blindness similar to deuteranopeia; while she can see colors everything is tinged in a light yellow color, and this can severely alter the appearance of certain colors for her.. She possesses the ability to see and speak to spirits of the deceased, demons, "invisible" deer, etc. The only thing not tinged yellow is the unique aura every deer in the forest possesses- which how she usually identifies her friends.
Tears: Her tears are normal if she's crying tears of joy, frustration, or grief. However, if she's crying from fear, pain, or love, she may produce tears of hot, liquefied magic that are the same brilliant gold as her eye color. The tears have powerful healing qualities, but are far from painless. Akin to having a wound cauterized. <-- most of this knowledge is unknown to her for the time being.
Pain and injury: Lesedi heals from physical damage extraordinarily fast. A deep, life threatening gash from an antler would likely disappear completely within a few days. However, this doesn't make her invincible. Lesedi is acutely in tune with other peoples emotions. So much so that she can physically feel what others may be feeling emotionally. Lighter emotions like embarrassment, happiness, and boredom may wash over her like a breeze. While more intense emotions like Love, annoyance, and anxiety feel more suffocating. Emotions like anger, hate, disgust, and frustration can actually be damaging if aimed directly at Lesedi. Very Strong sincere anger can deal enough damage to threaten her life, ravaging her soul and leaving glittery gold scars as a reminder of the occurrence.
Lem- First met. Very good friend. Extremely helpful and quite a joy to be around, whether they're frolicking or just lazing about. Is always disappointed when she can't find him in the forest. Brightens her day when he makes an appearance.
Thais- frequently sees in forest and will always stop to at least greet the pretty doe. Her kind demeanor and friendly disposition makes for great company and a fun playmate. Is intrigued by and would like to know more about.
Zenaida- Just met. Had an instant connection with the blue wolf-doe. fond of, and wishes to see her again and learn more of her.
Altijd- Frequently seen with Thais. Fun company.
Kujance- Very kind soul. Made very fast and close friends with.
Bad concept art by me:->
disclaimer- I'd like to keep this page at most PG-13. I take responsibility for any of her actions, but please understand this characters actions and opinions are hers and will not always be a direct reflection of my own views and feelings.

{Coding credit to Mahj, with pieces from Alison Robin and Ammy}
Well I'm done with this for
test comment
Ahh, tracking.
Indeed she is! thank you for
Tracking! I´d like to
I´d like to throw my Bela at her. May we talk over Skype?
Oh sure I'd love that! I'll
Hello there, thank you for
Aw it's no problem, she
Going to track this lovely
Tracking c:
Track ♥
Thank you Thais, Emilia, and
Place a "Re" Track Your
Your Lesedi is a cute little deer and maybe she is hyper then my (normally little) Cu is?
lets play again (if you want).
see you
Yes, liking the concept. Her
@ Cu thank you! Yes Lesedi
Thank you, Uit. I'm really waiting until I can buy a tablet so I can make more detailed art of her, but I doubt her appearance will change much lol
Hello! The mini-fawn is my
Just let me know if you don't feel okay with this kind of interaction for whatever reason and I'll be gone!
Oh hi! I was just going to
Tracking. Your company with
@ Vee It's been my pleasure
What a cuttie lill one. Put
Sig: Aihnna
hello little cutie ♥
thank you all for the tracks,
@justdance & maria ? I appreciate you both being so welcoming