Justice served

Who am I but another flame
Another grain of sand in your way
Another person
Not a game
That can be played
Just a being
Who has their own way
You could care less
And honestly thats ok
Cause on the inside
Im proud of who I am
And what I do
Others that come along the way
And give a passing smile
They shall in return receive one as well
Those who pass with a cold shoulder
Shall receive the same warmth as if they were one of smiling people
Those who come and flatter,and give their opinion will always be welcomed
But turn not a blind eye to other passer-byers
Who walk past us.

This is in response to Animal Soul.

Every person on this earth should be proud,and respect themselves and the work that they have done.I always think that if you did the best,or even had the greatest time doing somethiing that in your eyes it should be cherished. And others should respect that.Of course in this life their will always be someone who disagrees with you on whatever subject ,but thats just the way it is. But never ever give up something that another person dissed or something like that. No one needs to look inside ones heart and figure out whats best for yourself.I guess thats all I have to say.Be positive my friends,


AnimaSoul's picture

-Salute- I got a response

-Salute- I got a response blog.....wow i feel special.
The Soul Of Souls

----Salutes back--- Of

----Salutes back---

Of course you are, to me your my friend.