Just Married C:

day4's picture
Pfff. <3
Lanithedeer's picture

Aww that's adorable. I wish

Aww that's adorable.

I wish modern society let you put tags on your butts after marriage.
I used to have an open mind... but my brains kept falling out.


Marriage is a relationship where one is the husband and the other is always right.
day4's picture

Hehe thanks. I WANT BUTT TAG

Hehe thanks.
Lanithedeer's picture

Anytime. SO DO I D:


I used to have an open mind... but my brains kept falling out.


Marriage is a relationship where one is the husband and the other is always right.
Sithrim's picture

Nice butts thear. I love

Nice butts thear.
I love their legs haha, and gratz to both!


xD That's adorable!

xD That's adorable!
Unia's picture

Congrats ^^

Congrats ^^
J!n's picture


Verycrazygirl's picture

For some reason I can't see

For some reason I can't see the image... could you possibly link it? <3

day4's picture

Thanks everyone!

Thanks everyone! <3 ^^
VCG: Yes I will one second c: Here you go <3 It looks kinda bad becasue I baced everything for the color of this site not white or green or whatever XD
Verycrazygirl's picture

BUTTTAGS! This is so cute xD

This is so cute xD 'Grats to the new couple! <3

day4's picture

xD Thanks!

Thanks! <3
driama's picture

HAhahaah!!! CUTE!

HAhahaah!!! CUTE!
When something goes wrong, do what you love to do!

congratulations you two! i

congratulations you two! Smiling i wish you happy and long life together! (did i said it right?>.< damn my fail english) and thank you for party! it was very much fun :3
Serenai's picture

-... Missed it.

-... Missed it. :c-

Congratulations~ c:
Icon Art © Beloved
Kiraki's picture

Hehehe so cute

Hehehe so cute XD

Congratulations ^^
ocean's picture

Haha, adorable!

Haha, adorable! <3