Jared's Bio

Name: Jared
Gender: Stag
Age: Fawn
Appearance: Colourful pelts, and occasionally a mask
Most used mask: Real-deer
Most used pelt: Purpleish
Most used antlers: None
Personality: Jared is a young and adventurous deer. He loves the company of others, but is terrified of stags and deer with huge antlers - other than Quamar. He adores Quamar, as he was the first deer he met ^_^ If he does the "fear" action, just nuzzle him or be friendly. Beware - he may run away. As long as a doe is with him, he won't be too afraid of stags, but will stay nearby the doe.
Enemies: None.
Favourite places: By the pond or the Ruins
Least favourite place: The Playground
Favourite pastime: Playing with fawns
Least favourite pastime: Playing with stags
Pictogram: A circle with three "sticks" through it.
Common behaviour: Fear action, nuzzling, rearing, etc
Least common behaviour: Fighting, being alone

^_^ I think you'll like him
Tuhka's picture

Oh, i met him just few

Oh, i met him just few minutes ago. He's a really cute fawn. Smiling
Sorry i was so unactive. I started feeling a little tired and i'm going to bed now... Sticking out tongue
And to be honest, Quammy's been a bit down lately so he might not be very entertaining... but yeah *slaps herself* >.<

Hope to see Jared in the forest again Laughing out loud
Seele's picture

He sounds sweet!! I hope to

He sounds sweet!! I hope to meet him once ^^'.. I think he'd like Seele.
Not to sure about Auge though. Lol!

--Stays a lonely Seele

=D Yes, Quamar. He

=D Yes, Quamar. He lovessssssss your deer XDD ^_^ And he kept hiding behind you cuz of that black stag O_O He was TERRIFIED. ^_^

ROFL Seele XD ^_^ I think he'd like Seele, too. He'd be shy though. ...And Auge...Maybe...XD

Seele's picture

Aww Quamar good hiding spot

Aww Quamar good hiding spot <3? XDD Seele would be shy too..
Auge is too much of.. Agressive.. And she's scary. X"D

..How could you.. Think that.. With those, Antlers.. I mean.."X"D..

--Stays a lonely Seele

ROFL Auge....Hmm I guess not

ROFL Auge....Hmm I guess not then 83

Tabithaaa's picture

LOL, Dannii = Gender

LOL, Dannii = Gender assumption FAIL. Lol, love you really <3
Sorry, I had to leave, and just as we were by the playground! 8'(. I have to make supper for small brother. =/

ROFL Me wuffs jouuu <33 D:

ROFL Me wuffs jouuu <33

D: Mehhhhh. Taliene misses jou x3
Tabithaaa's picture

-Le hugs.- Well, I may have

-Le hugs.-

Well, I may have time to go back on in an hour or so. c:

...=DDDDD! I think I'll

...=DDDDD! I think I'll switch to being Jared...>=D