iv. Bitten

Apoidea's picture
You ignorant child
Do you really think
You could tame something so wild?

That a dragon would bow
To a little light
On the head of a cow?

What makes your head full
Of such laughable lies
Such pure bull?

I'm sorry to tell you
Of a terrible loss.

Your mind is cracked
Or had you forgotten
Just what you lacked?

I watched down
From that tree when you fell
Your brain splattering on the ground.

Has losing that filled
Your head with such lies?
Will you ever be smart and strong willed?

Or will you forever
Have the mind of a fawn
Learning more never?

Tut tut, Moss.
Have you already forgotten
That I am the boss?


Go, jay.
You shall not again
Get in my way.

As I say, I repeat.
You will never
See me bow in defeat.

My tines will never adorn your crown
And you will never ever
See me bow down.


-and again off the jay went
His seed planted
Hoping his luck was not spent.-