it's screenie dump time

That's right, it's that time again! Laughing out loud
Usual warnings about lots of images apply.

BTW, if you see your deer, please identify them?

This is kind of old. I took this while I was playing Melinoe. It's actually before Amary met Bastilion. X3

Also kind of old. Kaoori turned into a fawn. So Amary did the same, and she actually kept her antlers for a short time. X3

Oisín encounters an "old" deer.

Amary sitting in the "waterfall" after being injured.

The flowers seem higher than usual here. Also, I like how the butterflies look. :3

Sit-mooing looks funny. X3

Saosin and Ravyn. They were just sitting there before Ravyn attacked Amary.

Sitting with Virgil and Riptail as they seek shelter from the rain (although Amary likes the rain).

I just liked how this looked.

A Melinoe clone. XD

Virgil leading a "herd". I don't know who the other deer are.

Someone turned Melinoe into a bat. She decided to go with it. She doesn't like being spell-spammed, but she likes bats. And she liked that she could fly around and watch other deer without being obvious.

Mel watches some very strange deer. (I know Scarecrow)

I dunno, I thought it looked kinda neat.

Hmm, it kinda looks like Janjaweed is watching over Melinoe.

lol I didn't even know I took this. X3 It must have been right when Mel fell asleep. But I thought it made kind of a neat screenshot.

And that is all for now.
Moss's picture

Nice work, nice

Nice work, nice work~

Serious lack of Tyerk, but I'll let you off this time. |D
.. jk <3

My deer's name is Tyerk~
Pegasicorn's picture

Bastilion must've sat there

Bastilion must've sat there for when I was writing a journal. |D I think I remember him wondering why there was a deer in the pit that day. XD But that's all.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."