June 7, 2009 - 5:42am — ocean
I can sense something. I know it's here now, and I can feel it.
It truly started today, though yesterday was when I first awoke. I wasn't really connected then. It was my first time awakening in...days? Years? ...Centuries?
I sigh and get to my feet, shakily at first, then more confident. It's raining. The cold drops patter down to my fur, making thin lines and patterns through it. The gloomy day matches me, my feeling of foreboding.
I bow to the ruins, saying I remember you. However, I soon realize that I cannot speak. Only bellow. I walk around to the other side. Idols. I crash down upon them, scrape them with my hooves, my antlers. They profane the beauty of this place. But my hooves do no good. They still stand. I circle the ruins, bowing on all sides. I remember you.
I run and bow to the crying idol, again on all sides. I remember you.
I bow to the Twin Gods last. Of course, I remember you. I can feel their blessing course through me as I bow before their statues. I will rid your forest of this darkness. I think.
I cast about the forest, aimlessly, searching for that darkness. I suppose it lingers here, because I cannot seem to trace it. The darkness clings to the forest itself, thick and black, but it comes from nothing. No scent. No trace.
Suddenly, there is a fawn. Then two. I find myself caught up in their games as they show them to me. How to eat the mushrooms that give me powers. How to rub a tree for pine cones. I dance and romp with them. I suppose I always had a soft spot for fawns. Then they run off, one by one. I lay down for a nap, quietly and peacefully. The forest is more beautiful than I remember.
I awaken awhile later. It's still raining. I stand and shake some of the moisture off. I can still sense the darkness clinging to my forest. Perhaps it will never go away. I sigh and lay back down again, though not before another deer gives me a proud pair of antlers, which are unfortunately lost after a dip in the pond. Strange magic has infected my forest, but that cannot be the darkness.
Before I slip away, I think one last thought:
"Darkness...I will not rest until I have seen your end."
-The Priest
((Dedicated to the awesome Baal. You've done a fine job of shaking up the whole forest. ;P By the way, yes, The Priest is my character. Maybe I'll give him a bio soon.))
Amasing.... Just wow... I
Well thank you. ^^ It was
Well I'm glad you liked it
I hope so. ^^ Look out for
Will do master of
Ooh. *basks in the glory of
Lol, *Finds a big light to
I'm blind! *faints* Well,
omg, I love your writing
And awesome, a priest deer? My "Cursed Demon" Darkweaver's going to have to watch out for The Priest, from the looks of it. Priest sounds like a potential deer to end him. X3
Dark: We'll see about that... *goes back to sleeping next to a gravestone*
Ah, now this is the priest
Exceptional writing! I can not wait for them to meet.
You honor me! To have the beginnings of such a tale dedicated my way. I hope to read much more from you in the future.
Zerg- ! Thank you! These
Yes, he has a whole back story too. Something I wrote awhile ago. ;P Yes, The Priest will hate him. Poor guy is gonna be having nightmares between Dark and Baal. And ending him would scar my deer for life. xD
The Priest: "I'll find you, abomination. No evil soul can hide in MY forest for long."
This is. Their meeting will
The plot line is just that awesome. Poor fawn. The Priest was there before, but now he's really been brought out. I'll be waiting for more of Baal's "adventures".
I do believe it shall be
I really have to thank Mystress, Ephra and Virgil for making this all as awesome as it is. I am most glad that all of it has inspired you to bring Priest more to the forefront. I'll be sure to add more to Baal's story soon, especially with all of the other deer out for his blood.
It seems I will get to add Priest to that list as well.
It will. Yes. ^^ He's
Yes. ^^ He's enjoying being an actual character. I'll watch for it.
Looks like you might. xD
Then that is a good thing. I
I will indeed. XD
I agree. xD Yes, he's not
Yes, he's not enjoying Baal's darkness. >>
I do not doubt. At least he
Thank goodness. The Priest