March 18, 2010 - 8:27pm — faunet
Im not going to play by the rules
Why should I
Not every ones going to
Im just gona let my hair down
And run throught the grass
With out a care
Why should I become like a robot
With those daily routines
Always knowing the next move
The next breath
Im sorry
I dont play that way
I just cant play by the rules
If my life is always planned
Wheres the excitement and passion for life in that.
I wont mock at those who do
But Ill be honest
I feel sorry for you
Stuck in a mindless routine
Youll loose your true self that way.
But if someday you breakfree
And taste that air of freedom
You will never go back
For there is something in the way
In going with the flow
That is challenging and exciting
That always leaves you begging for more.
So lets play the game our way
After all we only get one turn.