Igex's Second Screenshot

hufflepuff's picture
EDIT: I've since changed my deer's name from Corvi to Igex, ever since I discovered his 'true name'. It was surprisingly easy to find. Just look in-game under Network, and it's right beneath the Log In.

Man, what a huge change in such a short time! I have a fawn whom I don't know to thank for the awesome pelt, and http://endlessforest.org/community/riiachan for the awesome antlers! For some reason, Igex seems able to keep his spells as long as I save and load his appearance, even though he's still just a fawn. Hmmmm...mysterious.

And I have yet ANOTHER question for all of you. Since Igex has all these accessories on him even though he's just a fawn, will he lose them when he becomes a stag?
AngelWings's picture

if you save them, he won't

if you save them, he won't loose them. when he's a stag, he will either be nude(defoult set) and then press load, or he will have that set *not much exp with this fawn set thing* the set will disappear if you don't save it, and then you have to get it all over again, it will still disapppear but you can just load it again.
hufflepuff's picture

Whew, thanks! That's a

Whew, thanks! That's a relief. Smiling