If you're sleeping are you dreaming; if you're dreaming are you dreaming of me?

Something was terribly wrong today.

She knew it, too.
She did not seem too bothered by it in any case however, instead she went along with the flow of the day without question.
But it became harder as time ticked by.

The trees were closer together than usual.

Perhaps they were lonely, and had shuffled together for comfort.
So the forest was strange, but there was nothing strange about her sky; oh, her sky.
They were fluffy and gray; they moved slowly across the sky and dragged thier long bodies behind them.
The forest was nothing more than a bedsheet to sleep beneath the covers tonight.
When her eyes returned to the ground, she was greeted with fog.
When did that get there?
And when did the trees become black?

She sighed and stared down, swaying, to her hooves.

They were not there, nor were her legs.
Oh well.
Who needed them?
The little doe carried on.
Around her, the trees began to bleat for her.
"Momma!" they cried; "Mommy?" they questioned, "Help me!" they wailed.
The huge black creatures sounded so infantile.
But hadn't they always?
She shunned them.
Wasn't she supposed to?
Didn't everyone else?

Suddenly there came a deer she recognized.

There was no terror in her face, but she could hear her heart wailing with the infant trees, now.
She bid it farewell, and left the noisy beating thing behind.
It wasn't important.
Not now.
That deer that she had recognized stopped his short pursuit of the doe, and bent to sniff delicatly at the heart she had bid adieu.
It wailed, and wailed, and cried, "Mother, please!"

The deer whom she thought she knew took up the wailing baby in his dark lips and carried it away.
Perhaps he would keep it safe, until she needed it again.


Someone is hallucinating ;3
Too much shrooms, love!
I hope ya'll liked this. It was not intended to be sad, but rather to make you wonder.

I can't believe you actually

I can't believe you actually picked me...
Find me at my "toboe" account
Shiori's picture

I'm sure this would be lovely

I'm sure this would be lovely if I were cerebral at the moment XD I find myself a little dazed and confused right now though @_@
And psh, just because you label something with 'not meant to be sad' doesn't mean it isn't by
its very nature inheritably sad you dork XD
Whatever. Blue October is always win

I really wasn't down at all

I really wasn't down at all when I wrote this.
I don't want it to come off as that way; in fact, I wrote it hoping there would be interest in the style of writing...
But I guess you're my solo faithful commenter heh. Thank you for always commenting.
Find me at my "toboe" account
Shiori's picture

Ah, well...everything makes

Ah, well...everything makes us sad so what can you do -giggle- As I said, I can barely understand this right now so any emotional vibe is lost on me XDD I've never been very good a poems and riddles even on my good days ><
Maybe you should....USE DIFFERENT COLORED FONT? ;D
Fledermaus's picture

Gah, your writing is always

Gah, your writing is always so lovely. ;_;
Fincayra's picture

This is so eerie. I wonder if

This is so eerie. I wonder if it has anything to do with her past...
It probably does, but I don't know much about it. Heh. Oh well. This is lovely. <3