::I am so lost:: {iko shortstory}

Pretzil's picture
It was dark. And morbidly silent.

Where... where a-am I?

A dense fog hung eerily overhead, weaving cautiously between trunks and crawling under her black pelt to tickle her skin. One could swear you could hear the darkness laugh evilly as you trembled.

Her ears shot up, then lowered as she cowered against the nothingness. It was consuming her, the silence was screaming in her ears.

I-I want to go h-home!

She wanted to leave so hideously bad, but when she tried to move, all she felt was numbness. She was alone. She was lost. Lost in a forest of darkness.

I-I'm so lost...

A voice reached her ears, sounding like a melody of some sort. It confused her. It seemed so familiar but...

I'm here, you're not alone. You have me.

Her ears shot up, her violent shaking was subduing as she listened.

H-hello? Is... Someone there?

Yes. I'm here. I can see you and you are not alone or lost.

The darkness began to dissolve, and reality was returning to her eyes.

You see? I'm here! You don't have to be scared anymore.

White eyes fluttered elegantly back at her own. A warm smile on the others snout.

Oh! Pandora! Long time no see, eh?

-Just like to thank Pandora for being a good friend to weird little iko!

~Blarg that shortstory sucked XD

Good so far!

Good so far!
Pretzil's picture

Haha thanks, my mom kicked me

Haha thanks, my mom kicked me off the comp before i could finish... xD

Mmm this is lovely!

Mmm this is lovely! ♥

Pandora's glad she can at least be of some help to the doe (: ♥♥