

i have run out of muse. there is no more that i am able to draw. i have a beautiful picture in my head, yet when i try to paint it or draw it, it never turns out.

ive been feeling depleated. deflated. i dont have the right words still.

...i need something. something... i dont know what it is or what for. ive been searching for it everywhere. in my real life world, and in my imagination.

i yearn for something invisible. i can never find true satisfaction... i am unable to capture the moment in my head. what else am i here for..?

i dont know.... im so lost and confused.
im alone... still
Hart's picture

Turn to music.

Turn to music.
eyestrain's picture

When all the resources within

When all the resources within you are depleted, take from the world, which is infinitely vast.

Fill yourself with new things- sights, sounds, tastes. Go somewhere you have never gone.
What is inside you will react to these things, and the collision of them will spark new energy.

Go to the world, which you are only one small piece of, and bring something back.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.

i have tried the sounds of

i have tried the sounds of music, it only fills me for a while, then it slowly leaks.. as if i have a crack mentally.

i will try... nothing where i am holds any interest to my eyes. i see nothing worth bringing back...
everything is dull. many colors but everything is dull. sounds. sights. tastes... i feel unhappy. i am incomplete. a feeling of emptyness haunts me.

The commenting account for Sidewalk

moonsoverwater's picture

Scribble. Don't draw

Scribble. Don't draw anything, just let your hand move. Write, any words even if they don't make any sense.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
quadraptor's picture

Not sure if this is what you

Not sure if this is what you have in mind, but here's a song I particularly love, and someone made a beautiful video with images in it that go so well with it.

Hope this helps in some way.

moonsoverwater: i did what


i did what you said

quad: nice music. thank you very much for sharing it with me. c:

The commenting account for Sidewalk

I know, I know, music doesn't

I know, I know, music doesn't work for you. But please, try. It can. If you need a selection of music to inspire, I have quite a few links I can give you.

When you are getting ready to go to sleep tonight, add an interesting array of instrumental music onto your mp3 player if you have one.
Something with an intense section contrasting a slow one. Calm versus the storm. Five minutes or more in length. You need enough time to create a story.

Then as you begin to drift off to sleep, put a song on repeat. Create characters, form stories. Allow your mind to become your own personal movie theater and create a short music video out of that melody.
Keep it on repeat. Play it over and over again until you've matched the image in your head to the song.
Eventually you'll drift off to sleep and find more inspiration there.

Do this every night, over and over...until you've seen the images enough to finally record it.
Capture. Simple colors. Nonsense sketches. Scattered ideas.

It doesn't have to match what you imagined.
Rarely will it ever.
But the point is to capture to mood, the feeling, the music contained in that image.

You are not alone.
Stop thinking about it and just do. Do something. Do anything.

Warning for language and some adult imagery:

/two cents

moonsoverwater's picture


^^ <3

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Chickenwhite's picture

Sounds like one nasty

Sounds like one nasty artblock... What always works for me is drawing some other stuff for a few pictures, something you don't usually draw or haven't drawn for a long time. Sometimes a shift of focus is all you need >w<
And if that doesn't work, maybe a small break from ye olde paper and pencil. It never works trying to force anything in any case...

Keep in mind, though, this is what works for me, I'm not sure it'll work for you too <___< But maybe it's worth a shot? >w<
eyestrain's picture

I'll try this, Shimmy.

I'll try this, Shimmy.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.

i listened to one of my

i listened to one of my favorite song-like things. its very interesting. i love it. the above is what i got.

The commenting account for Sidewalk