
HexStag's picture
Hexane's Personality & Behavior

Personality & Behavior:
`Isn't judge mental
`Spend most of his time alone.
`Strong will
`Tends to worry about others well being rather than his own.
`Isn't religious, dislikes having or hearing religious conversations.
`He respects the twin gods but will not pray to them
`Prefers the company of down to earth does & stags.
`Easily annoyed by the chaotic behavior of most young does & stags.
`If your to be around him he demands some respect
`Will observe others for a short period of time before joining them in whatever antics they partake.
`Doesn't like to show his weaknesses.
`Can fend for himself & if he gets into an argument that leads to a tussle he will not allow others to step in & fight his battles.
`Dislikes younger stags that try to show dominance over him. He will not hesitate to put them in their place.
`Will not go out of his way to start a fight but he will let the offender know he means business if messed with.
`Thinks of himself as a fatherly figure
`Doesn't take taunting well. In fact this is one of the things he wont tolerate. He will take it upon himself to fix the problem.
`Is fond of fawns. Enjoys teaching them tricks of the trade.
`Tends to keep his anger bottled up inside rather than letting it out.
`Overall he is a somewhat mellow stag but if used or pushed to far he will snap spewing the bottled up emotions he has been storing.
`Doesn't like for his emotions to be toiled with.
`Is very unsure of the endless forest & often doubts his existence in it
`Although he wont admit it more often than not he is extremely silent to wards the opposite sex. He tends to watch their every move from a distance, studying them as if he has never seen a doe before.
`Is independent. Often prices his independence
`Often is seen sitting at the edge of the pond, water trickling from his pelt.
`When bored he tends to gorge himself with food while strolling through the birch forest.
`Leaves a strong musk on the 3 large birch trees north of the cry idol marking his domain.
Every now and then he will double back to re-scent it.
`Has an immense amount of self control when he is physically & mentally healthy/stable.