I saw this on DA, thinking "Wow, that looks so amazing! INSTA FAVE <33" and when I clicked to open it and realised it was Starling I was all SJFKL'SDFL;SDF;DGK;S. Thankyou so much. SO MUCH. This is gorgeoussss ,__, I think I might use it as a background picture for her biography, if that's okay? Ughh thankyou thankyou <3333 :D :D
@ SnowSauria: Thankyou <3 I do too. LETS SEE HOW MY BRAIN THINKS OF SOMETHING. XD
@ Saanra: Thankyou kindly, and thanks for noticing those <3
@ S to the tarling: Ahahaha I am really glad you like it. Your request really stood out to me. Maybe it was the navy blue, and the poppies and a red doe. it all seemed to work <3
And of course you can m'love. I would be honoured if you used it in her bio cB
I love love love the color palette you used here.
The pose, the very painterly brush strokes~
Perfectly fit to the color, flower, and letter which was chosen.
Very well done. <3
OMG! The whole idea is
Holy...Omg...Thats so
Ah, this is gorgeous! I look
This is absolutely STUNNING.
... I saw this on DA,
I saw this on DA, thinking "Wow, that looks so amazing! INSTA FAVE <33" and when I clicked to open it and realised it was Starling I was all SJFKL'SDFL;SDF;DGK;S. Thankyou so much. SO MUCH. This is gorgeoussss ,__, I think I might use it as a background picture for her biography, if that's okay? Ughh thankyou thankyou <3333 :D :D
@ POOH2004: Thanks dude! @
@ Corell: Awww thankyouu <33 XD
@ SnowSauria: Thankyou <3 I do too. LETS SEE HOW MY BRAIN THINKS OF SOMETHING. XD
@ Saanra: Thankyou kindly, and thanks for noticing those <3
@ S to the tarling: Ahahaha I am really glad you like it. Your request really stood out to me. Maybe it was the navy blue, and the poppies and a red doe. it all seemed to work <3
And of course you can m'love. I would be honoured if you used it in her bio cB
MEEP <3 I already have~
~snuggles the starling-doe to
Mygoodness this is amazing
I love love love the color
I love love love the color palette you used here.
The pose, the very painterly brush strokes~
Perfectly fit to the color, flower, and letter which was chosen.
Very well done. <3
Ahhh I understand your
I agree with Shim X3