
Jea, real interesting picture huh?? =/

Anywho, that's my deer, Ekki, in the middle. (gold/brown design, large sharp horns, long brown mask if ya didnt guess already =) )

For some reason the screenshot conveniently left out the identity symbols. But if anyone knows who anyone else here is, do tell.

Lots of fawns online tonight.

I am the grey doe ^^ nice to

I am the grey doe ^^ nice to meet you!

You too. =)

You too. =)
kanastigu's picture

im one of the does too.

im one of the does too. can't remember where i was standing.
Lolalilu's picture

I am the one with the purple

I am the one with the purple flowers in my antlers. Juju is the little fawn just next to me with no flowers on his head.

Nice to meet you =)

Nice to meet you =)