Funky Dream I Had! Spanish Speaking Deer!

Koonie's picture
Well last night I had the wierdest dream! Ok so there is my deer in the forest and I was ya know spell spamming and bowing and the standard stuff. And then this deer showed up with maroccas hanging around its neck and it was wearing a HUGE sombrero and it kept saying "OLE!" And then all the other deer looked at it and started speaking Spanish and singing "La Cucaracha" and dancing around. My deer got so angry it went to the options screen and clicked the "Change Pictograph" button and my Picto changed! So I had to log in to the website to make sure I hadnt REALLY changed my Picto!
toboe's picture

LOL I had a dream I was

LOL I had a dream I was agent dunham from Fringe chasing a suspect through Build a Bear workshop with my .45 handgun XD

EDIT: BTW my deer Rowan speaks some spanish XDDDDD