Fortress... of distinguished cheek-fluff.

Iaurdagnire's picture

Dag finally has a full image of himself (:
Spent 3 hours on the drawing getting his anatomy perfect. There were rulers and everything.

Question - I'm going to use this picture in a full-blown reference sheet. But what I want to know is do you think this should replace the main image on his bio, or just be linked to as a reference?
Verycrazygirl's picture

*tugs cheek floof*

*tugs cheek floof*

ShadowsofLight's picture

I see that smile there. It

I see that smile there.

It clearly says "finally."


Lol. I'm serious about the cuteness thing~

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Apeldille's picture

That's some really nice

That's some really nice cheek-fluff. And good anatomy too!

Calinka's picture

This is... fantastic. Exactly

This is... fantastic. Exactly the style I'd so love to draw.

The details are just awesome, every muscle is portrayed. His fur seems thick, like he's been through some cold nights, and the antlers are tall and seem dangerous, but they still are beautiful to look at, very well formed; he looks like a wise, strong stag to me. The colors are very interesting as well. Quite amazing how these red lines wrap around the muzzle, not to mention the expression they created. It perfectly fits the other parts of the stag.

Wow. Simply: Wow.

I'd so love to let my Aurora roleplay with this character. Seriously Shocked
Spyrre's picture

(No subject)

*ties bows on the cheek-fluff*

I just love how powerful you made him to look... he looks huge, even though there´s nothing in the picture to compare him with, and that´s a hard thing to do right. He´s like a giant teddy-bear. <3
OokamiAzura's picture

I'm willing to be the antlers

I'm willing to be the antlers were the most painful part? xP

He looks amazing though. &hearts
Iaurdagnire's picture

Vee - He prefers that to be

Vee - He prefers that to be tugged than the ear-fluff...
ShadowsofLight - Haha thanks, that is quite a satisfied smile isn't it xD I like that he's still cute in his massive-ness.
Apeldille - Thanks! (:
Calinka - What a lovely comment ♥ You've described him perfectly! I'm glad it all comes across. The red markings are the simplified markings on the long mask which he wears in game (: and it would be great to play with you in forest, I'll keep a look out for you.
Spyrre - He'd look so precious! I'm so happy he looks huge <3 Your signature picture is adorable by the way... that tail! 8D
Azura - Yes... *has flashbacks* ♥
Seele's picture

Ohh check out that hottyy!

Ohh check out that hottyy! *Spanks behind*
I guess I had to jump to reach there. ANYWAY. Really greay job pff o_o I love all the detail that went into his muscles, must've been a hard job o_o but yes. Really awesome indeed <333
Munkel's picture

*__* I so love the details

*__* I so love the details too, and the neck fur... so fluffy &hearts
This is awesome!
quadraptor's picture

*nodnodnodnodnod* Quite a

*nodnodnodnodnod* Quite a handsome guy!
Iaurdagnire's picture

Seele - AHAHAHA Mis, don't do

Seele - AHAHAHA Mis, don't do that, he enjoys it.
Thanks! I get my muscle lines from this one reference I photocopied last summer of a mule deer. They're really boney and they make for good structure studies I find.
Munkel - He is Mr. McFluffins ♥ Thanks!
quad - Every time I see the word nod, I automatically have that animated picture you sometimes post in my head xD
OokamiAzura's picture

-Can see Dag flexing his

-Can see Dag flexing his muscles, and the ladies just flocking to him-

I need to be shot. Badly.
quadraptor's picture

You deserve it

You deserve it Eye
Reyy's picture

He's perfect.

He's perfect. <3

He's very handsome, isn't he?

He's very handsome, isn't he? (: ♥
Iaurdagnire's picture

Azura - Dag just has to raise

Azura - Dag just has to raise a suggestive brow to summon a harem. Virgil and Saosin included.
Can I borrow that gun? Haha XD
quad - 8D One of my very own! *is happy* <3
Ravynn - <3
Pan - Oh yes, and he knows it (:
OokamiAzura's picture

Dag's, liek, a total

Dag's, liek, a total pimp.




Seed's picture

Totally Epic!

Totally Epic!
Starling's picture

Impressive! He looks so

Impressive! He looks so amazing...
I envy your skills.

Hot damn! This is epic, well

Hot damn!
This is epic, well worth your time. c:
EternalWanderer's picture

R-RULERS! -selfishly tracks

R-RULERS! -selfishly tracks just for reference-

(, not really. :p )

Yep. Anatomy is visibly perfect. And I've always loved his antlers :O

Ngh, your style looks like from... from... a professional cartoon movie. (=WOWQualityNomNom)

He looks very strong and

He looks very strong and wise. Beautiful. &hearts

Dayum he's shexy. I love it!

Dayum he's shexy. I love it!
Kaoori's picture


gajksdg DAG

Iaurdagnire's picture

Seed - =D &hearts; Starling -

Seed - =D ♥
Starling - Not as much as I envy 70% of peoples skills here (;
Morbid - Haha yeah, this is probably the only full body picture of Dag by me that will ever exist XD
EternalWanderer - I guess watching cartoons day in day out has paid off! Haha <3
kaitlyn - Thank you ♥
Ryff - Your member name is awesome! And thank you (:
Kaoori - Oh Kao-Kao, you know Dag won't mind if you touch him.
... Seriously, Azura - that gun?
OokamiAzura's picture



Keepiru's picture

He is.... Dag'

He is.... Dag' <333
Hraeth's picture

Dag's a total babe. Noelle's

Dag's a total babe.
Noelle's going to keep a firm hold on her title over his ass.
Kaoori's picture

even if Kao touches his

even if Kao touches his tralala?

oh god. it's 2am. i should be in bed. rofl
Fincayra's picture

^ LOL This looks great.


This looks great. ♥ I love the muscle. <3
Such a great character, Dag is. 8D

wow wow wow Definitely worth

wow wow wow
Definitely worth the effort in my opinion Laughing out loud !

He looks amazing

He looks amazing <3
Iaurdagnire's picture

Keepiru - (':

Keepiru - (': <3
Hrae - I'll get her a branding iron for christmas so she can (8
Fin - Heehee, thanks Fin <3
Aeskan - Thanks! =D
Aux - (: <3

Question - I'm going to use this picture in a full-blown reference sheet. But what I want to know is do you think this should replace the main image on his bio, or just be linked to as a reference?
Splinters's picture


linked Eye
Kaoori's picture

I think you should link it.

I think you should link it. I love the picture you have now.

Hooooooooooly shit, this

Hooooooooooly shit, this turned out so awesome. I AM BLINDED BY THE ASSKICKORY.
Dag's a total hottie.
Hm. I like this image better than the one you have, but it would be kinda big to replace it with this one wouldn't it? Maybe see if you could just use the headshot, or something. I dunno.