First Entry Jitters

The Wormwood's picture
Finally managed to log in! For the last week I've been trying, but the login system gave me some strange parsing error. Whatever it was, seems to be cleared up now thankfully.

At any rate, my stag Grim has been meandering about the forest for going on two months now, harassing the wildlife (please Grim, stop chasing the frogs...), playing hide and seek with any number of other deer and leaping through trees. *grin*
I was pleased as punch when I finally managed to collect the entire orca set... then promptly fell in the pond. Now Grim wears whatever tickles his fancy... at least until he's collected all the pieces again.

I admit that though I've been playing on and off for almost two months now, I'm really a complete newbie to most things (I only JUST figured out how to move the camera... clever, clever me... *cough*). But this game has seriously inspired me. Since I started, my sketchbook doodles are almost invariably little human-faced deer with wild looking antlers. Once Grim gets his act together and settles on a look, I'll do a nice drawin' of him; for now all he's got is a sketch I did when he became a stag. Hope this isn't going to turn out to large!

Anyway, tis time I got a bit of shut-eye.
Look forward to seeing you all in the forest!

Her's picture

[GASPETH] That is QUITE the

[GASPETH] That is QUITE the drawing you have there! [drools rain over it] ~~D:
I'm happy you've finally been able to log in, though! I look forward to seeing you in the forest, Grim! :D PLUS, I can help you get your orca set back. But I'm at school so I can't play now. :B