Fawn With Antlers 8O

Zazvat's picture
When I looked at Nova's reflection in the pond, I saw her reflection wearing antlers 8O!

What in ze world :oops: ?
Anzel's picture

Heh, that's peculiar XD;

Heh, that's peculiar XD; *pokes the odd antlers* :3
Ocelo's picture

Wow, cool screenshot ! One

Wow, cool screenshot ! One more mystery in the world... ^^

That's wierd! XD

That's wierd! XD
vampyreemma's picture

oooh scary


Pegasicorn's picture

Pega: I've seen that a lot.

Pega: I've seen that a lot. Tends to happen when your fawn is wearing something on its head - flowers or candles. I just say the lake is teasing fawns.

magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
surtor's picture

hahaha when i was a fawn

hahaha when i was a fawn that happened to me too!