I really put some extra time into this one, since you really deserve it, Doe. The lines took me a while, which is why I didn't get this weeks entry up before the weekend. Thanks for organizing all of this for us even though we've gotten frustrating at times! < ^.^; > You really are an awesome member of this community. <3
< ^.^; > and now all the apologies for my ineptitude at this - I dared not color much further on this for fear of ruining it... and I know the horns/face/tail/ears/feet/fur & feather patterns/everything else is rather flubbed.... I'm sorry. *buries her face under a rock*
Having draw this character
< >. I had to sit with the
You're so amazing.. Those
Wow! That's all I've got to
Amazing :')
Beautiful! The hoofs/claws
That's so beautiful..