Fanart-A-Thon | Week 17 : DOE!

LighttheSky's picture
I really put some extra time into this one, since you really deserve it, Doe. The lines took me a while, which is why I didn't get this weeks entry up before the weekend. Thanks for organizing all of this for us even though we've gotten frustrating at times! < ^.^; > You really are an awesome member of this community. <3

< ^.^; > and now all the apologies for my ineptitude at this - I dared not color much further on this for fear of ruining it... and I know the horns/face/tail/ears/feet/fur & feather patterns/everything else is rather flubbed.... I'm sorry. *buries her face under a rock*

Having draw this character

Having draw this character before myself I must congratulate you on doing a SMASHING job on all Doe's markings, they're complex but you made it look easy! Shocked
LighttheSky's picture

< >. I had to sit with the

< >.<; > I had to sit with the reference image on one half of my screen and the painting on the other going back and forth between the two to even come close, and I'm still counting all the places I flubbed up. urgh. <3 Thankee!
| Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. ~Maori Proverb |
Seele's picture

You're so amazing.. Those

You're so amazing.. Those antlers are gorgeous D8 Or do I call them horns XD Anyway, this looks amazing. I don't think you need to colour it further actually, Doe's design seems so complex colours would only be a distraction!
Cyaneus's picture

Wow! That's all I've got to

Wow! That's all I've got to say!

Amazing :')

Amazing :')

Beautiful! The hoofs/claws

Beautiful! The hoofs/claws are my favorite part ;D
J!n's picture

That's so beautiful..

That's so beautiful..