Fanart-A-Thon Beliar

Lyeekha's picture

...'kay, I gave up -ever so *slightly*- on this one, may I heap a gatrillion sincere apologies upon you Crimsongale. But the back half... didn't work out at all, even after many attempts, so I vortex'd! it. And did a fail background to match. ^__^;;

I lovelovelovelovelove his

I lovelovelovelovelove his legs! They're so.. I don't know X3 But they're lovely! And rofl that's not a problem; I have had that happen to me sooo many times before, where I just can't match the back to the front. It's a lovely piece of work. Thank you <3

Lyeekha's picture

Ah, I'm glad you like it,

Ah, I'm glad you like it, and I'm very happy that you sympathise, hehe. ^^; And of course you're very welcome!