The Fall of the Islander (shortstory)

quadraptor's picture
Warning, graphic and violent content Rock Hound related

Three of them surrounded the old stag. His body quivered, not of fear, but from the many years that seasoned him. He took a step back, looking deep into each of their eyes. Red, yellow, and blue glows returned looks at him, though their ghostly stares were cold and deep.

He stopped, and they stopped, their skulls drooling infection with deep anticipation. The flesh was right before them, they wanted to sink their fangs in so badly that they thought for a moment they had tongues to taste meat once again.

Caw was calm, but he knew this would be a difficult fight. He was more angry than anything. "Three on one, eh? Well, you appear to be wolves. What happened to the pride and honor you had?", he questioned them. He didn't know if they could understand his words, but he ceased his retreat and stood his ground.

The rock hounds reacted, the red-eyed one approached while the other two stayed behind. "Come on! Come on!", the old stag's grass-like antlers were aimed at the approaching predator. Then the rock hound lunged and attacked, it's teeth grasping Caw's head, penetrating deep into his skull. The creature's strength shattered his skull, the old stag's head bleeding immediately. He felt the thick black infection grow in his wounds. He already felt dizzy and his head was in terrible pain.

He turned just in time to see the yellow-eyed rock hound had rushed toward him, knocking him down and biting his belly. The blue-eyed joined in, trying to open him up with precise nips to the stomach. Caw had just enough energy to kick at the yellow-eyed one's skull, able to knock out the yellow crystal within it's skull. The rock hound gagged like it was suffocating and collapsed motionless. He didn't realize it until it was too late that the blue-eyed rock hound had successfully ripped his belly open, his organs exposed for the creature to gnaw upon.

"Dammit...", Caw spat painfully, and raising his head, he saw the red-eyed rock hound before him, drooling the infection onto his face before going for his throat.


"Come quick! Something terrible has happened!", Zephyr called to her father. Quad tilted his head, "What? What is it?", he asked.

"It's Uncle Caw. He's...", Zephyr began, but Quad didn't let her finish. He bolted in the direction she came from, his daughter following close behind.

Others gathered around the body of the old stag. Quad slid to a halt, horrified at what he was seeing. A bloodied body, belly ripped open, innards mangled and torn from within him.

Caw, the old stag, was dead.

Quad saw the wolf skeleton sitting close by, the skull smashed open. He saw the black crystal sitting close by. He then knew.

"It was one of those things, wasn't it?", he questioned aloud. One of the other deer nearby spoke, "The old man put up a good fight, but there must have been others that finished him. It's such a shame to see this, after all he went through in life..."

He was right. Caw had a difficult life, being banished from the Endless Forest after worshiping a false god, living on an island for a hundred years, losing his doe...the old man had every right to live a peaceful life, and these creatures took that away from him.

At this time, Michael and Auriea appeared, both equally as shocked to see the Islander was dead.

"The sequence has begun...", Michael spoke.

Zephyr tilted her head. "Sequence? What do you mean?", she asked.

The god turned to her, "One of the old prophecies spoke of this. Either Iugulare and her allies would be the ones to fall...or Quad and his brothers. One side would defeat the other, and it seems Iugulare's creatures made the first move."

Quad collapsed by his brother's side. "Dammit, Caw. Why did it have to come to this?", he questioned.

"Quad...", Auriea spoke to him, "We will make sure that he has a proper burial. I assure you, this tragedy will not be left unnoticed."

"We did learn something, though...", Michael spoke, "...these creatures have a definite seek you out, Quad, and to kill you."

As he spoke this, Quad took the black crystal and turned to them. "Then the only way to restore the safety of the Forest is to give them what they want.", he said.

"Dad, no, you couldn't...", Zephyr began, but he shook his head.

"I'm only putting everyone in danger if I didn't surrender myself to them.", he replied.

"It's not that easy, Quad. Remember who is behind this. If these creatures only wished to kill you, then of course you could die and your rebirth would set everything right. But Iugulare does not wish just for you to die, she wishes to capture and defeat you. If you were to surrender to them, she would win, and the, the world would fall to her. We cannot allow you to give in so easily.", Micheal spoke.

"Then what will we do?", Zephyr asked.

"Continue to fight them, and we will continue to learn more about them. We will do everything we can to protect the Endless Forest deer.", Auriea spoke.


And later that afternoon, a memorial was held at the Pond. Caw's body was burned, the ashes of him were spread at the beach, the place the Islander most enjoyed in the Forest. Many deer came and paid their respects.

Quad stood back closer by the old bridge, watching the memorial. He saw all the deer there, and continued to weigh their safety on his shoulders. He wished he could end this danger, but it seemed things would not be easy.

"I'll avenge you, Caw.", he said, looking down at the black crystal left there from the wolf skeleton that had attacked his brother. "I'll avenge you."


**note, later on I will write more 'revelation' stories much like Anirapio's that are set in the near future. I intend for a couple of my characters to die in these, but I am not getting rid of them. Caw is the only one I am making inactive for good (except for Trunks, but his passing will be a couple of years from now). This is all part of the prophecy the Twin Gods spoke of.

Pegasicorn's picture


quadraptor's picture

"Just a warning, guys... The

"Just a warning, guys...

The Rock Hounds may kill one of my characters. But it's only because I don't use him a whole lot. So he'd just become 'inactive' in the Forest.

So don't be shocked alright"

Didn't know if you saw that on the bio page...
Pegasicorn's picture

I saw that before reading

I saw that before reading this story. Hope that explains my reaction. |D
Snowsauria's picture



Intriguing - and engaging.

Intriguing - and engaging. More!

MORE MORE MORE~ Although this

Although this is getting saad. D8
quadraptor's picture

Gonna continue this

Gonna continue this today...sometime...

Finished this one. Caw may appear every now and then in the Forest though.
quadraptor's picture

You know... I really want to

You know...

I really want to develop Caw more in the Forest. After I killed him off.



Maybe I'll figure out a way to bring him back.

Maybe the Brotherhood of Five retains their Grand Talux trait of rebirth after death (except for Trunks, though I suppose there's no explanation for why he's dead)

Sigh...I feel like I made a terrible mistake, because I never really did get to play Caw all that much.