An Endless Sestina

Seed's picture
For once, a poem not done in Seed's name, but in my own. I wrote most of this last semester and finished it today. I must have been feeling masochistic, since it's a sestina.

An Endless Sestina

Freeze-Tag, Post Office, Horses – the things I used to play,
formed of my own body, their genesis in imagination.
I forged them with my friends, casting in flexible gold those games
That occupied a million summers. The swamp became a forest.
My movements, staggered through the mud, had no poetry.
I wandered alone, or guided a single friend: I needed no more community.

‘I rip your throat and kill u’ ‘U CHEATED!’ Is that what they call community?
No, Those Wolfquest WoW worlds are nowhere I could play;
Nothing that spins off of itself for me into spiraling poetry,
Nothing in filling up bars that stirs imagination:
I’d much rather lope in grey wolf shape in that forest .
I have no need for N00b-hunting games.

I freeze in terror at those games
Where I could be isolated from their Community,
Like a tree stomped out of its Forest.
I’d start it up, I’d want to Play
To see what so seizes others’ Imagination;
And I’d run and use that fear for bad Poetry.

Maybe I should just stick with Poetry
Frolic in a Frenzy, Free in Games,
Building perfect moments of Imagination.
I wouldn’t know how to really reach the Community,
But that’s fine. I know how to Play
Alone, making words to trees to Forest.

And then I find The Endless Forest:
It’s wordless. Just deer; A living painting, not poetry.
There, the players cast off words and play
Making names from symbols, miming games
That could be made. Ideally, a silent community;
Roles and genders and stories all in imagination.

And sometimes I fret, it’s too much imagination;
That there’s no want for me in this forest,
That I’m too slow for chattering community.
And then I read their comments on mine– like poetry,
And join in their parties, their now-and-again games.
Slow down a bit – I’ll try to catch up and play.

And as I play, it slams and sparks in my imagination,
Making a game of thought in the forest,
Crafting Jenga-towers of poetry, sharing it with my community.

Unplugged's picture

I'm not good at commenting on

I'm not good at commenting on poetry, so I'll just say that was wonderful. Smiling
arrowdoe's picture

I'm happy to see you around

I'm happy to see you around and writing poetry again. You have an incredible way with words.

This is probably the best

This is probably the best piece of poetry you've ever written, and it's definitely my favourite of yours. You have such an extraordinary talent, did you know that?

Seed's picture

Thanks, you guys. These are

Thanks, you guys. These are all really nice to hear people say, especially since I was feeling a little unsure about this one. ^^