The Endless forest from a fawn's point of view. - Day four, the day of Mercury.

Day four, The day of Mercury.
I didn't have my dream about Maa again. I dreamt of the warm flowery meadow where I first met my new carer, Samorn. The hazy summer days seemed to float by in-front of me, until...

I opened my eyes, and blinked. The air was cold, and the fog was back. I looked around, and sure enough, Samorn's other form was there, by my side. I knew if it was Samorn a heart, someone would be there to guide me. For a while we hazily galloped through the forest, on and on, racing with only the wind against us. After a while, we slowed up. Samorn quickly trotted to my side as I nearly slid into a giant stone feature. She shook her head, then lead me around to the other side of the rocks. The rocks, they had faces. Faces that reminded me of the vision of Maa, and Samorn. Samorn kneeled down, forelock pressed upon the dirt, and a blue air came around her. This must be the air spirit Maa told me about, and I must pray to these statues. She said they were the "Twin Gods", and they were the ones who made the forest, and guide us through our lives. Maybe they sent Samorn to guide me? They must have made Maa too.... I should really rest on it...