Drift away... float away... (Important Jupiter plot twist)

FaunGrae's picture

Excruciatingly tired, exhausted even, the little fawn collapsed in her flower patch. The galaxy of flowers enveloped her in comforting scent, butterflies above creating a galaxy of stars as the light winked off of their iridescent wings. Soon enough the fawn floated off on the delicate wings of sleep, closing her eyes to the butterfly galaxy...

and revealing another one.

The scent of hyacinths warped, morphed in to the scent of water, rain. The rain sound drowned out the sounds of the forest, roaring in her ears. Each drop was heard, each drop was felt and counted, the smell was overwhelming, mist gathered on her small purple tongue. The only thing that was missing, the only sense, was sight. It was pitch-black.

Open your eyes, little one.

She did, and her vision exploded, removing all other senses for a moment. A million stars whirled, twinkled, and blinked around her. It was only then that she noticed where she was. Jupiter was not in the rain but floating among the stars... but were they stars? The fawn looked a little harder. No, they were not stars. These were the bits of golden pollen that floated in the forest...

and Jupiter was floating among them.

"Where am I, Aureia?" Wait, who was Aureia? The fawn had no clue, but that must have been the name of the voice.

You're still in the flower patch... and you are also with me. With me and Michael. We want to talk to you, Jupiter.

"About my blindness."

The doe appeared, nodding. Her gorgeous scarlet antlers bobbed, disturbing the pollens, causing them to swirl and change direction. Michael appeared next, walking from far away. The stag displaced the floating pollen, while causing it to spring from the ground as well... wherever the ground was. Jupiter smiled, inhaling the scent of roses. Yes, these were the Gods.

"I want to know, please."

In the beginning, you start off small. Now, deer from the forest are conceived, and they are born. This is all a process you should learn on your own. Jupiter, one thing that you know that we have only told a couple of others: How a name finds a fawn.

Jupiter, all of those little bits of pollen that are floating everywhere in the forest are Names not yet given to the children.

The fawn was confused, and she showed it with both in word and a tilt of her head.

"What does this have to do with me, with my eyes?"

You, when you go blind, will need some way to defend yourself. You will need to know something. We gave Hex the ability to see stars, and we will give you the ability to see names that are both given and not given. Do you see how Michael and I appear to displace the little pictograms? Watch.

And Auriea's color disappeared. Michael's color disappeared.

But they were still there. Jupiter could see their outlines, the way the pollen clung to their backs and was displaced in milky-way-reminiscent swirls from each movement they made. Their pictograms, macro above their heads, glowed bright and readable.

"Thank you...."

The God Michael smiled, speaking for the first time.

And because the little names are the forest's pollen, Jupiter, you will be able to see the flowers. Well, at least where the pollen comes from. We will never take your flowers away, little daisy, we know how you love them.

The fawn rushed forward to nuzzle the pair in wordless thanks, and both stepped forward to return the gesture....

and the fawn awoke to the warm feeling of the sun and the fading scent of roses.

Her eyes were still blurry at the edges, but Jupiter could still see. She smiled, reveling in the feeling of the warm sun and the soft flowers, and the rain... the beat of her heart.