Dohr Sketch Commission

Completed sketch commission for Chantico of the character Dohr, who has such a fun face to draw!
Interested in getting some art done by me? See my commission blog.
HolyMaria's picture

I really admire your art,

I really admire your art, this is great
you have an awesome style <33
Chantico's picture

Ahhhh! Dohr! OMG I love his

Ahhhh! Dohr! OMG I love his big doofy face! ♥♥♥!!! And there is something about how you drew his back and those little ridges that I adore. :3 Thank you so much!

HolyMaria: That's a really

HolyMaria: That's a really sweet comment, thanks so much I'm glad you like my art so much!

Baal: Back ridges and boney hips are a huge weakness for me art-wise, so many parts of his design were right up my alley. Thanks again for the commission, I'm glad you're pleased with the result.