"Do I Truly Care..." ~*~ Prose, Feedback ~*~ (Auto-Music)

ToxicCreed's picture
All right, I needed to type something and this is what came up 8B the MUSIC I was listening to is on here and I'll say it now... I was all O_O I KNOW THIS MUSIC! HOMG *spazz* It's the music from the Opening Cinematic to World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King if you own the game you will KNOW THIS! And it's one of the best cinematic musics at that! XD Don't mind me, I think it rather flows with the story itself actually.

Anyway... the story here is a bit based on Nightmare's semi-recent emotions. He's a mess completely and he doesn't openly want to confess to things. A lot of what he's saying is in his mind rather than openly. Of course... it can be taken as him speaking out loud as well Sticking out tongue You decide. Feedback would be nice though if you read it >>


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


"I come to you in your dreams... but most of all I come to you in your nightmares... where you see me in many forms. But none of which are ever the same..."


That rage had grown into an almost uncontrollable force, his mind and body blazing with the immense smoke that bellowed from bone and muscles as he walked through to forest and was glancing around to all who came near him. Many were going insane... seeming to be intoxicated by the very smoke that flowed from his body. But that rage... that rage had something calling to it, and emotions were so mixed into the feel that it was a jumbled up mess.

Slowly, Nightmare walked from the flowerpatch he had been sleeping in, moving along at a slow pace and seeming to be seeking out something. Many deer avoiding him as he moved along and he sighed deeply... moving and glancing around and slowly coming out from where he was to see... the Monorch Pelted Doe laying in a glowing patch of sunlight. He stopped... there was just some air about her that confused him, and Nightmare tilted his head in confusion before slowly proceeding to get closer.

"What is wrong with her... why... why does she have a skull like my own?"

A snort seemed to silence the thoughts as he approached and watched as she stood... and he stopped where he was. Before approaching and taking a slow sniff of her fur, ah the memories but then... he jerked back and hissed deeply at the sudden threat that she was giving him. Nightmare growled deeply, but it was more in his own threat to give her the idea that he'd defend himself. That was all he'd show however as he watched as Laurette seemed to be... well to put it simple enough spazzing out like a complete and utter nutcase.

A frown crept up upon that skull, though it was terribly hard to notice. Shifting on thick, plated hooves he growled again before moving over, sniffing and then.. an attempted nuzzle. That was only met with aggression and he backed away, lowering his head down and baring the jagged rows of fangs in a hurt hiss towards her.

"Something is terribly wrong... she is not herself... but why... why Laurette? Why... what is wrong with you?"

His thoughts were dragged out from him as he watched more before jerking back when she seemed to wish to attack. And he shook his head rearing up and slamming his hooves down, roaring loudly in a deep bellow before he lowered his head down, sharp pointed spikes on the top of his skull pointed at her. He was only doing such a thing to defend himself... Nightmare didn't wish to fight. But he didn't seem to have much of a choice, defending himself he backed away before roaring again, trying to bring her back to her senses. But it wasn't enough, soon... Laurette seemed to run from the area, fighting whatever it was that was tormenting her soul.

"Wait! No... please... don't go! I don't want to see you like this Laurette! I really don't!"

Roaring and rearing up, Nightmare soon rushed to follow her. Kicking up dust and the smoke flowing thickly from his body before he caught up, skidding to a stop and watching more with a frown. Nuzzling into her and trying to bring comfort to her tormented mind. Soon, she laid... and he laid beside her. Hugging close as he nuzzled under her neck and closed those eyes just for a moment. Thoughts flowing in his mind... they were terribly close to the Twin Gods Statue... the place he'd attacked time and time again when he was so lost to his anger.

Snorting, allowing thick smoke to flow up he casted a soft glance in the general direction of the statue. They laid for what seemed hours, before slowly... Nightmare slipped up to his feet. Pawing the ground gently and nodding his head, beckoning her to follow him. Begging her... to follow. He pawed constantly until she rose to her feet and he nodded his head before turning... slowly running towards the statue, glancing back... to make sure she was following.

Nightmare slowly to a walk... coming up, and soon... body smoking with a burning flame. A wince, but... he ignored the thick pain his entire body was feeling as he glanced back... watching Laurette as she seemed to be fighting with herself again. Slowly, with a frown upon his face... he lowered his head down and closed his eyes, feeling the thick presence of the gods seeping into his body. Burning him, scorching his skull... feathers crumpling in a fiery wrath and he groaned deeply in pain before the pelt ignited in a sea of white.

Slowly he raised up, and looked back towards Laurette... watching her as his body was a blaze with pain. It was clearly seen in his eyes but he did not sneeze the white away nor try anything to abolish it from his body.

"Please come back to me Laurette... I'm doing this for you... I'm doing this to help you... maybe, maybe if you pray to the gods they will help you with whatever it is that is tormenting you so..."

The moment however... was ruined, the fawn coming out in a white glory and soon hitting her with it. He roared at the fawn, watching as Laurette fought and sneezed the terrible thing off. Roaring again he glared towards the fawn before seeing that she was fleeing... his body gone back to how it was once before before the fawn devouted him again. Roaring, he rushed to follow. Nightmare's pain burning as he slowed when he found Laurette laid down in a large, bright patch of sunlight.

His body ached, craved relief... craved the want to lay down. That pain burning deeply as he moved over and soon... collapsed at her side. Curling around her since she seemed to allow him to do so. Nightmare's body quivering thickly with the pain from the burning... his muscles and fur tinged with the smell of burnt flesh and fur. Which likely smelled awful, but he dare not go to the Pond... no, he only wished to be with Laurette now.

"A-Amazing... a little bit of pain goes a long way Laurette... Pain makes creatures do crazy things. And it's strange... feelings, they rise and fall. But for some odd reason, everytime I am around you... I feel secure. I feel the need to protect you..."

Silence fell as he coughed out in pain, groaning softly with a frown "I feel the need to stay close to you, to nuzzle you... to keep you safe from harm. And yet I failed to protect you from that demonic beast of a deer... please... please forgive me..."

"I care for you Laurette... it's as though I love you... but... I don't know... if you would accept me..."

Wow ;A; I just love you're

Wow ;A;
I just love you're writing style, it made perfect sense to me and I understood everything that was going on, even though it did happen ingame. xD
It was so sweet<3 I'd love to make a reply story to this, I tried but I have total writers block. DDDx
Bah, I really do love this, I envy your skills ;-; I love the music too, it fits well c; <3333

ToxicCreed's picture

I always tend to locate

I always tend to locate songs or instrumentals that flow with a story for the most part XD Half the time stories form up from the music I'm listening too lol in this case it being the first thing here Sticking out tongue

Thank you <3 I really enjoy the flow and such XD But I'm a dork when it comes to writing |D

~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed, Imperial Claudia and Maliran's Ghost ~*~*~
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
Sithrim's picture

Oh, I saw this happening...

Oh, I saw this happening... though Sithrim didn't since he was avoiding them...

I love how you write <3
