The Diary of Seed, 3-25-13

Seed's picture

I need to write more. I need to do more, so that I might write more. I need to get back into things, and catch my hooves beneath me once more.

Today, I started with a little run with a nameless deer; he got distracted, but I enjoyed it. I always secretly hope a nameless deer will one day become named, and see me again, and say, "oh, you are the deer who was nice to me. I remember you." Do nameless remember, when they become named? I don't know.

After that, I joined Verve, Herla, Gehirn, Djinn, and a few others I didn't know in sitting in the birch forest.

...I don't know why Verve suddenly has hands; it seems an odd thing to ask. I mean, I spent quite some time first trying to make sure they were actually hands, since I really did not have a frame of reference. Then...Then I tried to think of a way to ask that wasn't rude, over-presumptuous, or that hadn't been said a million times.
"So..." Is about as far as I got trying to formulate that question. Or statement. I'm not sure what it would have been. Of course, the fact that I was staring intently at the birds flying by, trying to put my thoughts together, that I at least mannered to avoid ungentlestagly staring.

They're odd things, hands. I've never seen them before. I had...sort of a vague sense of it, like the pronunciation of a word you've only read. I'm not sure this is what I pictured; the bend is so extreme, the joints knotted... There's a sort of branchlike beauty to them, though. It's hard to say. The length of the fingers suit her frame, though I worry a bit about the joints... And I can only imagine that the mobility they offer...Must be a boon and a treasure. I can only imagine that they'll let her work in new ways... And, come to that, offer her some new options for the self-adornment she enjoys so. And the possibility of gesture, of expression...Of dance, perhaps? Is that too fanciful?
Well, these are my thoughts, so I suppose how fanciful I am doesn't matter.

Me? I'm fine the way I am. Enough transformations for one lifetime, except the removable ones.

Anyway, deer came and went, and I eventually went as well.