Staff's blog

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Oh Muse, how I've lost you..

Not gonna be active on here really. Slight rant/vent below? Whatevs.

I feel like my roleplays are getting ignored and any art I've posted I end up deleting since it collects dust. Not sure if I lack skill in either areas or my styles are just boring. Not trying to call anyone out or beg for attention at all, just saying a few things that have been on my mind. Not to mention I've been feeling down in real life with some re-occurring thoughts and it hasn't been too pleasant. Right now TEF isn't my main focus, especially since the threads I track have slowed and I've lost muse to develop my characters and push them for interactions. I will say that it'd be nice to have a giant Katar to hold though, at least he wouldn't blind me with sparkles.

There ya have it folks. I'll probably log in and check stuff like I've been doing, but no posting expected. -clap-
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Avatar Requests (CLOSED)

So I decided that I'll take a couple requests.

100 x 100 Avatars, like the one I have. Three slots, not first come first serve.

Note: It's okay to request your own characters or others' but please request characters that don't have or get much art.

1. Lambchop - 100% -
2. Lukas - 100% -
3. Whisper - 100% -

EDIT: Thanks to all who suggested ^^ Don't feel bad if yours wasn't chosen, I might do more art requests in the future. For the ones who are on the list, I may start these today or tomorrow, but they will get done during this week if I have the time.
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..:Fly With Me:.. // Vaharo

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