SizzyBubbles's blog

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Mr. Tibbs 2012


Well i have not been on for what seems months now, game or forum. I'm not well established, but i look forward to being active again (after i can get the game to work). Did some art of my durr fairly recently that i decided to share.
His name is "Mr. Tibbs" and he has the Beluga Mask, Beluga Antlers, and Kirin Pelt. Obviously i got really creative with my rendition of him X) Bio from ages ago if you are interested: [link][/link] back when he still had a peacock headdress!

thanks for looking
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random behavior questions

I have some random TEF deer behavior questions that maybe some of you could help me out with.

-If a deer wants me to do spells on it, how do i know? It's there a "action" for that?

-If another deer is aggressive/wants to fight what do i do? (i suppose i would just flee)

-Any mean deer i should know about to avoid? Tibbs is somewhat of a coward. Haha.

-Is it "ok" to walk up and just sit with a group of resting deer? (Though Tibbs waits to be invited first)

-Any actions i should avoid doing while being merry with deer?

Though everyone seems pretty cool and i doubt i could or would piss-off anyone Smiling Especially since i could be moving one second then completely unresponsive the next (afk).
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Antlers for my durr...?

So I've been thinking about seriously giving my Mr.Tibbs a pair of nice antlers. The peacock plumage "antlers" seem to have become a bit...lacking... of what i want for my deer. And kinda make me think he might be mistaken for a girl! Heehee.
So i know i kinda new so you are likely not familiar with me. Mr.Tibbs has the Kirin pelt, Space Beluga mask, and peacock feather antlers. He mainly hangs around the Ruins and the Pond. In case you where wondering.

So yeah. I'm thinking that the Great Argus antlers would do well Smiling I'm open to your thoughts on this change! And will appreciate the help to "re-antler" but don't feel obligated! No worries, i will get them eventually! Laughing out loud

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Mister Tibbs Bio

(Heya! Still a work in progress! But i think i have his character fleshed out more. And i don't have any completed drawings yet, but i'd be happy to post the wip if you interested.)

Name: Mister Tibbs

Nickname(s): Mr.Tibbs or just Tibbs

Sex: Male/Stag

Set: Kirin pelt, Beluga mask, Peacock antlers

Transformation: Caiman Lizard

Species: Fallow Deer

Friends: None officially yet

Mate: None

Location: The Ruin and The Pond. He mainly sleeps in the graveyard and goes to the Pond to socialize. Can more often found wandering through these areas.

Personality: Friendly and Cheerful, but is quite awkward and aloof. Despite his large size, hard scales and freakish grin... he's very timid, shy, and easily confused as he will often wait to be approached by other deer first. He will be sure to come out of his shell! And warms up quickly!

Likes: To wander. TO DANCE. To dance in circles as well as to trot/run in circles. Fawns! Loves to run and be silly with them. Friendly deer. General merry making. People watch. Sit in the water and pretend he's an alligator.

Dislikes: Aggression. Fights. He will flee if threatened as he is somewhat of a coward (but will he stand his ground if he need to...?) Also doesn't like seeing others being mean or ignoring fawns, and will try to comfort them.

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Hello Endless Forest peoples! New user Sizzy here!

Hi. Ive been on The Endless forest for over a month now, but just found and joined the community today. I love this thing cuz I FREAKIN' LOVE DEERZ. Anyway. Here's a picture of what i look like (currently):

Just in case, you may also know me from deviantART (sizzybubbles) since i posted a journal a while back when i first got on TEF and found some of my watchers also play.

And also. I have a few questions. being new n' all. Can a "save" and go back through my skins later? If i wanna change, but may decide to go back? And reverse. Can i have antlers and the plumage i currently have?

Thank you!
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