Rakisha's blog

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•~ Dynamite's Biography ~• (UPDATED)

Name: Dynamite
Nickname: ...
Age: Adult
Gender: Stag
Favourite place(s): The ruins and the pond
Main set: He wears three different sets and these are..
DotD pelt, skull mask and zombie antlers
Magpie pelt, skull mask and candles
Mini deer spell, skull mask and candles

Pictogram: X

Mother: Nala
Father: Winterleaf
Siblings: none

Love: Meshu
Mate: Meshu <3<3<3
Friends: SS, Meshu, Nala, Winterleaf, Vala (Tell me if I forgot anyone)

Personality: He's always happy and playful. He loves to hang out with his friends and laugh all day long.
He loves to help and take care of fawns, he remembers his own fawnhood and how Nala and Winterleaf took care of himself.
He hates fights and tries to never be aggressive towards anyone exept for when a fawn or someone he knows is in danger.

- Fall in the pond
+ The ruins
- Big groups of deers
+ Fawns
- Deers who are aggressive toward fawns
+ Walk on water
- Get spells cast at him
+ When it's nightime in the forest
- Be alone
+ Take care of small fawns

Could you cast a spell on me? Follow him and he will show you wich spell he wants.

Say good bye to someone he don't know very well
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Dynamite - 2009/14/02 ( Happy valentine everyone)

Today Dynamite spend most of the day playing with this little fawn he met in the forest.
They had a lots of fun together and Dynamite really felt like he needed to protect the little fawn that couldn't been more than two days old. It didn't seem like the little fawn had any parents.
The fawn followed Dynamite throught the forest and he showed the littlr fawn around. Firs they went to the playground then after that they went to the ruins and played there for a while after that they went to the pond and runned around in the water but then Dynamite had to go but he hopes that he will meet the little fawn again soon.
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Dynamite's new look

Okay now I've found the perfect look for Dynamite x)

What do you think? Eye
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Dynamite's Birthday

It's finally Dynamite's birthday and now he's a fully grown stag Laughing out loud
He had lots of fun in the forest today and he did also get help to find a nice coat, and horns etc.
But still he ain't yet happy with his look but as soon as he has fixed it I'll send you a picture Smiling
It would be nice if you to visit and congratulate him in the forest! Laughing out loud <3

Okay I have one picture of him now, I'm not very happy with the set and I think I'll change it soon Smiling
Rakisha's picture


Okay.. I had nothing to do so i decided to upload some pictures of my dog ^^

He was just soo cute when he was a puppy x)

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This is what I've been doing

I haven't wrote here for some time so I thought I would update you about what Dynamite has been doing these days...

Most of the time I've wandered around with my mother, Nala and we spent a lot of time at the cementery.
One day a met Lemon and she has grown up to a doe now. It makes me feel small, among my friends i'm the only one who's still a little fawn. These days haven't be different from my other days in the forest, I've run around on my own, slept and played in the pond.

Here are some pictures of what I've been doing these days:

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Sorry :(

I'm sorry but I can't be in the forest for 3 days now..
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My dragons! ^^ (New dragons)

Look (and click ;D) at my cute little dragons

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Dynamite - 2009-13-01 (Swedish and English)

Idag har det för det mesta varit lungt, det mesta av dagen har jag legat under ett träd och villat eller skuttat runt lite i skogen. Jag träffade Lemon idag och vi lekte ett tag, sprang runt och skrattade tills Nala dök upp, jag blev förstås glad men Lemon blev rädd och gömde sig, jag sprang efter Lemon och försökte berätta för henne att det inte var någon fara men hon var ändå rädd så vi sprang runt och lekte lite till. När det var dags för Lemon att gå lade jag mig för att sova igen.

När jag åter vaknade träffade jag Lemon igen och vi skuttade ner till dammen där Lemon verkade träffa någon hon kände i en stor flock av främmande hjortar så jag höll mig ur vägen och var inte allt för glad för att närma mig flocken. Men när Lemon och den andra hjorten lämnade flocken följde jag efter dem och lekte ett tag innan jag åter lade mig för att sova, så det har varit en rätt lugn och skön dag...

It was a nice and calm day today, most of the day i've laid and rest under a tree or jumped around in the forest. I saw Lemon today and we played a while, ran around and laughed until Nala showed up. I did get happy but Leomn was scared of her and hide. I ran after Lemon and tried to tell her that Nala wasn't dangerous but she still was afraid so instead we ran away and played a bit more but after that Lemon had to go.

When I woke up once more i met Lemon again and we ran down to the pond where Lemon met someone she knew in a big herd with other deers so I kept my distance and didn't want to get close to the herd.
But when Lemon and the other deer left the herd I followed them and played with them for a while util a walked away and laid down under a tree to sleep, so it has been a nice and calm day...
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Dynamite - Biography

• Name: Dynamite
• Nickname: He has no special nickname
• Age: Kid 1 year
• Fur colour: Light brown
• Eye colour: Yellowish
• Gender: Male
• Mate: None
• Family: Mother Nala & Father Winterleaf

Appearance: Dynamite have a light brown coloured fur with some spots of darker fur.
Otherwise he has a young deer's typical appearance, his back is full of white spots, His belly, throat and the underside of the small short tail are white. The long ears look on his small head and the long legs make him look even quite funny. His horns have not started to grow yet, he's still quote small, not weak but small...

Personlaity: When Dynamite took his first step into the forest at the beginning of January 2009 he had no friends. He felt very lonley, even though he never liked to be around lots of deers at the same time, friends is something he can't live without. If he's in a good mood he can be very playful and do often jump around. But not even when he's in a good mood he likes to play much. After a while he use to lay down nex to a tree away from the other, just so he can be alone for a couple of minutes.
Sometimes he follows his friends so he don't need to be alone, he don't like to be all alone but not to be in a big herd of strangers either. But sometimes he can stay in a herd of strangers quite long time...
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