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Zelig's Diary - 11/10/09

I woke up late again. I didn't mean to. I had slept so roughly. Up and down throughout the night, rolling this way and that to get comfortable. Just before dawn I seemed to drift off into a permanent sleep- to then wake after mid day, and realize how late it was.

I raced first to the Ruins. To the mushroom hill where Gwen had found me the day before. My tail was wagging with excitement. Cresting the hill, I sniffed the air... I bellowed... There wasn't a sound except for fellow deer milling around. I bolted, towards the pond to try and find her.

I looked everywhere. The last place was the God's statue- and I did smell her there. But only faintly. I had missed her!

Hanging my head, I wandered around. And while I didn't come across Gwen, I did find her suitor. Sir Galahad. My blood boiled and my belly flopped. I slowly, reluctantly approached with my head held high. But peace had to be made. If he saw me as a scoundrel, he would surely attack me. Perhaps he didn't even recognize me from before. Surely my scent, if not from the name emblazoned in gold above my head.

I bowed. He stood, and bowed back. I stiffened my resolve- then dropped my head in submission. Sadly, I bowed again and shuffled my hooves. I don't know if he understood, or not, but we put our necks together in a moment of commiseration. Then we sat, as Gentlebucks, until he drifted away to another part of the forest to his own devices.

It was a sad moment. The saddest of the Rut. Giving away my flimsy chance of winning Gwenhwyfar's heart, not by merit of a spar, but by conceding defeat... it didn't feel stagly at all. But, my own selfish need to look proud, and princely, and strong would only make the doe sad to be without her Galahad.

And I couldn't stand to see a doe sad.
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Zelig's Diary - Index

Here, you can find all of Zelig's diary entries. Hopefully I'll get into the habit of writing down the majority of Zelig's days in the Forest.

2009 Entries
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Zelig's Diary - 10/10/09

10th Day, 10th Month.

Today marks the end of the Rut. My first real rut, where I sparred in earnest. So far, 3 won, 3 lost. I'm not bitter, though. I hope we could spar again, some other time, but somehow I don't think my comerades would be so game.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Lady Gwen. I met her again this morning. The driving rain has been relentless these past days, so I played the part of shelter. I didn't mind at all. She went to sleep, in the shelter of a tree, so I went on with the day.

I spent some time by the pond. Socialized with some fellows there. I had a surprise pelt change, and for a while, wore a smart brown and slightly spotty colour. Very Flash. A doe approached me that I'm not sure I've met before. Although I may have heard of her. We pranced, we played. And sheltered from the rain in the oak. She could be a contender! I won't know for sure unless I run into her again, or she tells me her name. In any case she seemed fun and spirited.

Speaking of spirits! I met Saint Jizo today- the guardian of fawns. I saw her, she was joined by two little young ones, so I thought I could do my good deed for the day- I trotted over, and gave one fawn the flowers from my antlers. Then I went back to the patch, and got another set for the second. Jizo seemed pleased- I wonder if she might help me fawnsit when I sire some of my own, one day...

After a long day of romping and roaming, spell casting and sneezing off /all those pelts/ I was starting to feel dizzy and tired again. I felt the need to sit down, and sometimes dosed off right in the middle of play! So I decided, if I was going to be sleeping, I might as well do it constructively- I went to the hill beside the ruins, the one with the mushroom ring, and settled down to sleep...
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Name: Coraa
Gender: Doe
Age: 2 years
Species: White Tail deer
Status: Content

Coraa is a semi-realistic deer, and I will play her most often when the Herd assembles, or possibly during the next Rut.

She is friendly, but quiet and possibly a little reluctant to join in very energetic games. She has no extreme fear of stags but gravitates towards other does by instinct.
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Zelig - Status

Currently: Online

Doing: Dreaming (trying to get the pictos to spread)

Thinking: How on earth can Dag live after that?...

Feeling: I really hope I'm doing the right thing

Wanting: To see Gwen again, to see Dag alive and well.

Needing: Medicinal herbs, or a spell to try and battle the sleeping sickness he's fallen under.

Current Appearance: Zombie Antlers, Skull Mask, Brown Spotty Pelt
Desired Appearance: Natural Antlers, Real Deer Mask, Divine or Grey Pelt
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Zelig - Profile

**Has donned Red Holly, Green Ivy, and White Mistletoe for Yule!**
Name: Zelig
Age: Adult
Gender: Bull
Species: Caribou (Rangifer tarandus)

(By Ravyn)
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