MidnightShadows's blog

Hellooo xD

I'm in a little cafe in France and it has WiFi so just thought I wuld stop by here and say hello but my parents dont know im on here so cya in another 2 weeks. XD

Mid's Free Whatever you may call them Deer Requests -Open!-

I've seen various other people making these, so I thought I could have a try. I may add more templates, but I'll wait and see if people want them before I go and make some more.

Template 1:

(Apologies for bad quality, I had to resize it a lot.)

Template 2:

Example of Template 2:

Example of Template 1

Unfortuantly the place I upload onto doesn't allow no backgrounds, but if you can't adjust it yourself tell me and if I have the time I will do it.

I will just need a description of the deer that includes the set or a screenshot/picture.

I'm also willing to do art trades, but please ask me first.

Completed Requests
Template 1
1. Kiraki
2. Amika For Solaya

The White Deer Reunion -Community Event Idea-

I thought it would be nice to try and get every single deer in the forest at one moment to have the God's white pelt. This would mean a big group of deer would get it by bowing to the Gods statue, and then running off and giving it to as many deer as possible.

This could be a way to bring the community together more and make new friends with other deer.

Just a suggestion, no date or time yet. It would be helpful if you said you are interested as we would need a reasnoble amount of deer to run around and give other people the pelt.

I did try this quite recently with four deer to start off (as you can see in the picture) and it was quite fun running round crazily, trying to give everyone the pelt.

Please post any ideas you could add on to this here. xD

General TEF Guide

A General Guide to TEF

The Basics

Logging in
Once you enter the game press 'esc'
Click on 'Network'
Once you have connected then a login box should appear.
Type your username and password in the box that you use for this site.

Connection Problems
If the login box doesn't appear then check that you have a good connection to the internet.
Make sure your firewall doesn't block TEF.
Scream at your computer and then post a help blog.

How do I take a screenshot?
To take a screenshot you can simply press 'P'
To get rid of the black border you can press 'Ctrl'

I can't see my screenshots!
Windows 7
Click a button above the blank area called 'Combatibilty Files'
Your screenshots should appear!

Thank you Innisen

I think it is the same as Windows 7 ^^


Here are some useful links to CSS Guides:
UnPlugged's Guide to CSS Help and Structure.
Zebbie's CSS Help - Fun With Coding

How do you change the color and format of text?
[ color = blue ] TEXT HERE [ / color ] = TEXT HERE

[ font = bradley hand ITC ] TEXT HERE [/ font ] = TEXT HERE

Bold, Italic, Underlined
[ b ] TEXT HERE [ / b ] = TEXT HERE

[ u ] TEXT HERE [ / u ] = TEXT HERE

[ i ] TEXT HERE [ / i ] = TEXT HERE

How do I put images onto the page?
Upload the image onto a website, for example, ImageShack, Tinypic, etc.
Copy and paste the link:
[ img ] (Link to image here) [ / img ]



I will not be on tomorrow (Friday) or in the weekend, and maybe not Monday either. Cause I'm on holiday! xD



...It all goes wrong so quickly...

...Her father, Gehirn, saw us...

...We fought...

..We stopped...

...I am to stay away until he says I can come back...





But I'm Alone

and waiting

Set help plz

My deer, Night just grew and his planned set is:
Real deer antlers (Got from another of my deer)
No mask
Space Beluga pelt.
His picto and he is currently by the ruins.

Thanks (:

Who are youz?

Sorry you can't see the pictos very well. Ice was the doe and she would like to know who the stag and fawn is cause she had a great time with them x).

Whoo has the real deer mask, peacock feathers + Great Argus Pelt?

Flame was with you today and enjoyed your company x). I might be able to find a screenshot later of the picto.. Flame's picto is here and he had the real deer mask, pelt and antlers on.
-Got Screenie now!-

Who is you?

Unfortunately my computer fails at taking screenshots.. not sure why D<. So I have to do this by my rubbish describing skills..
Real deer mask, pelt and antlers. Picto was quite like a 0 coloured in a bit.. Hard to explain..
Anyways, if you were just playing with Ice, who has the Real deer mask, pelt and noh 'doe' antlers and picto like the smiley 8D plzz say cause Ice would likes to knows who you are..

Thats it.. thanks... x)

EDIT: Just had a search round and the picto looked quite like Ashdrua's picto
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