haloghost's blog

Ghost's picture

Sleeping Deer Beware! (Part 2)

Since I can't locate the original topic on the forum (and believe me, I've tried), I'm going to start a new one.

As with the original warning, all sleeping deer are game in this game.

But it's just not enough to sit on them these days. So I hopped into v3.1 for a bit of DotD fun.

Searching for my next victim.

Oooo! A two for one deal.

I was followed back to the tree where I finished the set.

But my client fell asleep on me. Again, a two for one deal. Sticking out tongue

*Ghost strikes in Predator mode*

Ghost's picture


Name: Ghost
Title: The Trickster
Picto: Picto
Gender: Male
Personality: Always looking to have fun.
Friends: Everyone.
Favorite Food: The mushrooms under the bridge.
Birthday: October 13, 2007

While in the Forest, he is usually seen in his traditional colors.

The Forest's self-proclaimed demigod, "The Trickster", in human form.

"Sleeping deer beware!"

That's all for now.


(EDIT: Fixed a broken link.)
Ghost's picture

Ghost's fan videos

Thank you for checking out my videos. I'm not perfect when it comes to making them, but I try my best. And of course, these are all for fun and for the love of The Endless Forest.

Weapons of Choice:
• Game footage captured with FRAPS.
• Video edited with Adobe Premiere 6.


1) The Endless Dance - (November 25, 2007)

2) Camera Obscura - (April 14, 2008)

3) Caramelldansen - (April 22, 2008)
Ghost's picture

The Human Element

What separates us from other animals? Is it speech? Is it the understanding of life and death? Or is it the strive to conquer and control that which is around us? I believe there is much more to the separation of the human from the rest of the animal world.
Take a simple idea--a game where one is the avatar of a stag--and toss in the human element. At first, the novelty of it is grand, and to some it remains a grand design in the simplest of forms. However, this human element needs to socialize on a more human level.
Enter speech. With a game void of human speech, the players seek an outlet, the community forum. It is another simple idea to a simple game. On the other hand, there are some who will never tread on these forums, seeing the novelty of a human-free area as their haven. But there are those who need this human interaction, myself included.
Now enter the human element.
The innocent forum, the community and refuge for those yearning to communicate on this human level, became the perfect outlet. It wasn’t needed to fully experience the Forest, but it was a welcomed addition for a different experience.
Friends were made and characters were forged. It was, in a way, a brand new level to the Forest. Regardless of good intentions, the popularity and growth soon became its downfall.
Ghost's picture

Art Blog

Okay, I'm not one for promoting anything I create, or spamming places to advertise my art or writings, but I've made this little post to link to my Art Blog.

I took the original blog off of my website and now have it hosted through WordPress. It's a lot less of a hassle now. No longer do I have to worry about upgrading my copy or worrying about spam.

New Art Blog

Archived (old) Art Blog

Why have an Art Blog? I've been wanting to strengthen my confidence in art, and I haven't been practicing that much lately. (Writing has taken up most of my time.) I really want to get extremely comfortable with Painter. Thus all of my crappy sketches that will appear on the blog.

(Original Entry: March 17, 2008)
Why post this now? Well, I'm still on a natural high from gaining a new host. That's right! No free host for me. It's back to a paid host, something I really missed.

I'm thinking about creating a new gallery for my site. I'm looking at gallery archiving scripts right now. I'm still amazed at how far webpage designing has come. I remember the look of the internet back in the mid 90s. Oh how much has changed indeed. I feel like an old relic from the past. Serves me right, I guess, for ignoring the new stuff coming out yearly, monthly, and even daily. *kicks herself for not learning Flash* Such a confusing program.
(/End Original Entry)

EDIT: Updated the link.
Ghost's picture

The Forest Frolic (comics) - Archive

Welcome to...

This entry will house all images pertaining to the fan comic, this may also include random sketches never making it into the final strip. The newest addition will be added at the bottom.


1) First Abiogenesis
2) The Life of a Fawn - (Alternate Version - The Joys of a Fawn)
3) Casting Spells
4) The Angry Fawn
5) Learning to Fly
6) The Phase One Stag - (Original Version)
7) The Endless Forest at Night
8) Just Another Day
9) For The Love Of Candles
10) The Downside of Air-Sitting

Methods used:
Brush/pen and Ink (old school dip pens) and sometimes a simple brush pen
Corel Painter X (color)
Adobe Photoshop 7 (lettering and touch-ups)

(EDIT 2016: Fixed the dead links. If a link isn't working or something doesn't look right, let me know!)
Ghost's picture

Ghost's Winter Abiogenesis Experience

As with the Halloween Abiogenesis, I placed my screenshots on my website.


With more than double Halloween event's picture count, I know the page(s) may be a pain to those with slow internet connections. But it was difficult to pick and choose which images to post.


Ghost's picture

Journal of the Masquerade Deer - 1st Entry

Taken from the journal of the self-proclaimed expert on the so-called Masquerade Deer of an even stranger place called The Endless Forest, Professor Phudd Aylmer [Editor's Note: Run on sentence? By the way, as editor, I will not correct Prof. Aylmer's typos. The genius should know how to write. >_>]

~The 7th of January~

I am world renown expert on all things Cervinae. Expect to learn something from my legacy--my journals. Cryptozoology has turned a blind eye to these odd creatures, these mysterious creatures of the woods, but while others refuse to believe, I know these creatures exist. I have seen them. I have photographed them. Continue to be a skeptic if you wish. Or even call my photographical evidence a fake, a mere trick of some super computer program. But I am here to say, as loud and as clear as any boom of thunder, that the Masquerade Deer exist.

Here is their tale.

On viewing the Forest for the first time, one can get a sense of its grandness. Running and exploring for hours can feel like you're just running in circles. And on my first day, I discovered a young fawn barely an hour old. The little guy was a tricky one to track. One moment there and the next...poof! Thus I dubbed him "Ghost."

I think he saw me. I wonder what I look like to him? Can he really see me? Is-is he laughing at me? That little bas-- No. I must refrain. Must be professional about this.

It soon became apparent that Ghost had a younger brother. I called him "TNT," for obvious reasons. In my later investigations, it is a sad truth that TNT is rarely seen. The stag has a maturity about him which is sorely lacking in his older brother.

Dreams? We do not know if these strange creatures can dream. But if they could, what would they dream of?
Ghost's picture

Something strange in The Endless Forest.

As a young fawn, one can soak in all that is new with such a place as The Endless Forest. But as this stag recalls, things were much more stranger during the time surrounding Halloween, then time when Ghost first entered the Forest.

Ghost's picture

Eyes wide...

First entry of a new blog. Standard stuff. Nothing interest to post at the moment. I'm loving the newness and look of this place. *nod-nod*

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