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Old Photography (image heavy)

I don't have access to tef because the computer that has it, and can handle it, is being updated, switched around, etc. So I had time to look through the other computer that used to have tef and its screenshots. I just love them all, and I saw a lot of familiar faces with faces they usually don't hang out with. These are... not in order unfortunately; stupid photobucket... but I edited them up and..
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Abio Screenshots: biggish file

Yes, one file with alot of shots XD Sorry their so tiny, though, photobucket downsized it alot >_<

My first abio <3 Lots of lag, but super fun nevertheless XD
I was glad to be there.
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even the fawns will remember...

I never knew of your passing, all I saw was the sunken hearts of so many. I didn’t get it, how could everyone be so sad? As they grouped around the pond or a small patch of sunshine, as if mourning the passing of a loved one…
Were you, Wudiin, so loved by many? Cherished in their hearts, hugged with in the thoughts? I heard a story of you, the great Wudiin. You would run about the forest, gentle and light as if you had the weight of the world off your shoulders. What changed? What happened? I’ll try and listen to the others, find out how you passed away…
But even I, a fawn no bigger then a fern to hide in, will remember you though. I never saw your beauty and you never saw me… just another fawn, but that’s alright. It was the thought that counted, seeing you in my thoughts makes me feel like I’m stronger. I could be just as great as you, just a bit girly though…
I try and picture you… a white beauty with huge antlers and careful eyes. But I bet I don’t see you as magical as the others who saw you with their two own eyes. I wish I had, oh truly I do…

You are in my thoughts, Wudiin, you’ll always be remembered… even by a young fawn like myself.

---I loved your stories, Shimmy, you write beautifully and your videos hold so much emotion.
I'm so sorry to see a character go, even if I'm new and didn't get to experience everything in their true happening...
But I still hope to see more wonderful things from you <3
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